[GUI-Talk] internet

Rob Kaiser rcubfank at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 14 17:29:49 UTC 2019

Good morning all:


I'm having difficulties with my internet these days. Yesterday, my wife
called Spectrum (our internet carier) according to my wife, I was using the
bulk of the internet. They told her that I had several windows oepne. I only
had Oulook, volume control (which I know isn't an internet based icon) & the
Cubs game through Tunein. I go directly to the Cubs game by just 1 shortcut
key which opens up Tunein & the Cubs game. This must open up a couple of
Windows.I can't believe that this would take up so muchinternet that it
would go down like itdoes several times a day. Microsoft has checked my
computer & everything is fine regarding that. 


Sorry for the long message, but I need an answer to this if there is 1.  



Rob Kaiser Email;

rcubfank at sbcglobal.net


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