[GUI-Talk] Slack JAWS scripts available, and other related news

Doug Lee dgl at dlee.org
Fri Mar 20 19:29:47 UTC 2020

In recognition of the sudden increase in importance of telecommunication software, I present this in hopes it is useful to someone:

The offerings mentioned below are without charge.

I have scripted the text chat portion of Slack for JAWS. This is an ongoing project but is solid enough for use now. The scripts and documentation can be had from https://www.dlee.org/slack/ (the installer download link is
included in the users guide you get at that address).

Script features include
* Significant simplification of how messages are read, with a means for users to revert to the native presentation format.
* Commands to read individual portions of a message (date, time, sender, content, flags like reply and reaction counts, attachment info, reaction types, etc.).
* Commands to simulate F6 and Shift+F6 (for switching among screen areas) for those with keyboards that don't allow convenient function key access.
* Better reading of some fields and control types. This includes announcement of the values of menu options on Settings pages.
* No truncation of very long messages.

I additionally have JAWS scripts for the Unigram client for Telegram, which is the most accessible Windows Telegram client of which I am aware. Details and scripts for that are at https://www.dlee.org/unigram/

I am also working on enhancements to Teams for JAWS, but those are not as far along yet.

Anyone wanting a list of my public projects can find it at https://www.dlee.org

Finally, anyone wishing to follow my progress on the public software projects I run may do so by one of these means:
* Watch with a browser the Telegram channel at https://t.me/s/dlee_code for announcements of project updates.
* Join that channel in a Telegram client, including Unigram for Windows, from https://t.me/dlee_code
* To type at me about projects, join the discussion group paired with that channel. The address for that group is https://t.me/joinchat/OUU9GRieXgkcDYYdSXeGGQ
* Follow dlee_code on Twitter, where I have the Telegram channel (but not discussion group) posts automatically copied, at least for now.

I wish everyone the best in these trying times.

Doug Lee                 dgl at dlee.org                http://www.dlee.org
Level Access             doug.lee at LevelAccess.com    http://www.LevelAccess.com
"Pray devoutly, but hammer stoutly."
--Sir William G. Benham

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