[Home-on-the-range] Problems? Call for Resolutions

Dianne Hemphill diannehemphill at cox.net
Sat Oct 8 03:05:05 UTC 2011

Hi all - I'm listening to the Illinois state convention being beautifully streamed and am currently enjoying their annual search for this years Idol. Pam Allen , our national representative, is Illinois, also this year. She and her husband, Roland, are part of the judges panel for the Idol search - lots of fun and talent! Earlier this evening their Resolutions committee worked out 7 really great resolutions - they have been working in committee for the past 2 months apparently and it showed...extremely well thought out and developed. Rob- so glad to hear you will begin work on a resolution regarding the "separate agency" with the help of others (I hope). Those of you with other ideas, please begin development of them- I'm sure others would be happy to help you. I wonder if there should be some resolutions regarding blind service contract providers, for example...with Merrill leaving Envision, perhaps some nudging towards being part of the interview and selection committee for their new president should be of consideration. Also, shouldn't the NFBK be part of their Board? What's happening with the Alpha Pointe contracts- anything? I am not aware of either of these contract agencies actively and on purpose getting their information out to potential consumers... Wichita has a public transportation crisis - anyone want to take that one on? I found it disturbing that the public hearing several months ago, was set after public transportation hours had closed - anyone else find that unacceptable? Chapter presidents, please begin work with your Resolution committee appointments so we can have some well thought out  proposals to the committee. If you have a chance tomorrow, you might tune not either the Illinois or Georgia state conventions through the streaming mechanism. Hope to hear for the committee appointees soon. If you need any help, please let me know or ask others in your chapter- we have some really sharp members.  Dianne

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