[Home-on-the-range] Help with Outlook Express, Please

Lynda lynda at sunflower.com
Tue Jul 31 23:58:57 UTC 2012

Hello All:

We have Jaws 7 and I don't know what version of Outlook Express was out in 
2005 when Rehab got me all of this assistive tech equipment and the programs 
that go with it.  My "instructors," spent most of my lessons looking up and 
calling people who could explain the programs to them.  Then they would have 
me try this and try that until we "figured it out together."  Well, I was so 
confused at the end of each lesson that I didn't know what end was up. 
Anyway, my problem is that I hit a rong key somehow and all of my email has 
compacted.  Where did it go and how can I uncompact it?  I have lots of 
other questions about other assistive tech things but I'll save them for 
other times.  I am very embarrassed to be asking such remedial questions and 
about such outdated technology.  Thanks to everyone who can help.

Blessings and Hugs to All,

Lynda Canaday 

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