[Home-on-the-range] February Braille Monitor - "we know who we are…"

Dianne Hemphill diannehemphill at cox.net
Sat Feb 1 16:44:32 UTC 2014

Hello federationists - the February issue of the Braille Monitor is out...if you think you know all about our federation leaders or want to know more  about them, this is your opportunity to take a little time and "get some interesting details about their life, struggles and accomplishments  I can recall 7 of these leaders coming to Kansas as national representatives at NFBK conventions; Dr. Jernigan, Dr. Maurer, Dr. Schroeder, James Gashel, Pam Allen, Sam Gleese and Kathy Jackson. What an impressive impact they have made on our lives as well as the lives of the nations blind. We can learn a lot about how the blind in general and  each board member in particular, overcame the barriers that we, as the blind, can identify. You may know others on the board that have not come to Kansas yet and learn a lot about them as well. For example, I know Joe Ruffalo, Administrator of New Jersey Services f/t Blind from annual NCSAB (National Counsel of State  Agencies   for the Blind) but did not know he was a baker or massage therapists prior to his work within the blind  services world. He also conducts the interviews on the "thru our eyes" broadcasts that you hear about via home on the range via national office updates.  What a fantastic board we have on the national level - I can't wait to have others come to Kansas in the future - we can learn and be encouraged by what they have to say and how they communicate their message. 

Also, find a really comprehensive overview of last year's national NFB board meetings.  Have a great weekend and stay warm! Happy reading! Dianne

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