[Home-on-the-Range] Inclusive Comics

Ashley N crazy4chemistry at att.net
Mon Aug 2 18:42:57 UTC 2021

Hi everyone,
My company Independence Science is trying to make an online described comic book for everyone that doesn't have access to comics including the blind, dyslexic, and those with mobility issues that preclude them from individually holding a book. These comics will be screen reader accessible, immersive, with a fun story following 3 lovable Labradors as they explore how using senses other than simply vision help enhance the world around them and their scientific explorations.

We have 25 days to raise the funds needed and every dollar helps! We hope you will contribute and share if you can as this is a crowdfunding source and funding will help prove to other companies that accessibility and inclusion are valued by the public.

Here is our link:

If we don’t make the funding everyone gets their money back.
Thank you for your consideration!
Ashley Neybert
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