[Home-on-the-Range] FW: Coming up Thurrsday: Intro to Accessible Fantasy GFootball

pilgrim5 at cox.net pilgrim5 at cox.net
Tue Aug 2 14:13:19 UTC 2022



From: 'Chancey Fleet' via Technology Programs at Andrew Heiskell Braille & Talking Book Library <HeiskellTech at googlegroups.com> 
Sent: Monday, August 1, 2022 4:58 PM
To: heiskelltech at googlegroups.com
Subject: Coming up Thurrsday: Intro to Accessible Fantasy GFootball


Thursday August 4 [ 7 to 6:30 PM Eastern

Join Brian Fischler, David Goldstein, and Nick D’Ambrosio from The All Blind Fantasy Football League which was featured in the Yahoo Mini Documentary that you can view here.

We will discuss our history with playing Fantasy Football, the strategy and purpose behind the game, the fantastic accessibility of the Yahoo Fantasy app, different styles of play, and answer your questions about fantasy football. The game is completely free, and yes, fantasy football is the biggest waste of time, but wow is it fun. Millions of people are addicted to this game world wide, and thanks to Yahoo Fantasy, the game is a hundred percent accessible through their iOS app.

Register here:

Meeting Registration - Zoom <https://nypl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYodOGgrT8rGdKGco-iUl8niiGseZB4UXle> 



Chancey S. Fleet

Assistive Technology Coordinator

Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library

(212) 621-0627

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