[humanser] A Story About My Work in Disability Services

Kathy McGillivray kjm at usfamily.net
Wed Feb 18 04:04:44 UTC 2009

Hi. I just wanted to share with you that there is a recent story about the work of the department I direct at Bethel University in their magazine for alumni, parents, and friends. One interesting twist on this is that the Marketing and Communications folks asked if they should mention that I am blind. I did not tell them what to do. I suggested that if they would mention that another administrator is from South Africa, is a woman, or is African-American, then they could go ahead and mention it. I'm not ashamed of it, but just wanted them to apply the same approach as they would in stories about others. Here is the link to the story. Stephanie, who is mentioned in the story, was one of the students with whom I worked. Visit

The main point of this story is about reconciliation and how it applies to people with disabilities. I thought some of you may want to also get more of a glimpse of work done by folks in disability services in higher education.

Kathy McGillivray

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