[humanser] dealing with handwritten forms

solsticesinger solsticesinger at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 23:43:59 UTC 2009

Hi, all.

I rarely post to this list, but now, I have a question.

I'm interning at a cancer care organization in Fort Worth. Much of the job seems to entail filling out forms, or inputting data from handwritten forms into the computer. Some of the information is gathered directly from the client, but I'm finding the paperwork to be a bit overwhelming. I'm wondering if any of you have suggestions on how I can handle this, so that my internship can be as rewarding as possible.

I'm willing to install scanning software on the computer there, but, because of the handwritten parts, as well as the basic formatting of the forms, I'm not sure how well this would work.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to offer.

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