[humanser] OT Accessibility

Mary Chappell mtc5 at cox.net
Sun Feb 7 13:34:57 UTC 2010

I have had virtually no accessibility to email. Though JAWS will announce
the sender and subject the body of the email it will not read in any manner.
Consequently, I am aware of the receipt of messages but do not know what has
been said. To further the problem, even when I am able to have someone else
read the message, I am unable to respond or forward because a message notes,
"this feature not available in this dialog box." Additionally, I receive the
same message when trying to create a new message. I feel cut off and am
eager to resolve this issue. Has anyone experienced the same? Any ideas
about how to resolve?
I am eager to get back to those of you who offered info on North Chicago and
working in the VA. The match results for internship residency will come out
on February 19 and, if I may be moving to North Chicago and a VA for the
next year, I want to learn all I can. Thanks to all who replied to my
inquiries in January. I am just burdened by this technology issue and have
been unable to read and respond.
Mary Tatum Chappell

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