[humanser] Intro/looking for individual working in College Student Personnel...

Matt Selm mpselm at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 19:53:08 UTC 2010

Hello All:

My name is Matt, and I am a second year graduate student in the
College Student Personnel program at the University of Louisville.  I
am looking for an individual who is currently, or was employed in the
higher education setting as a student affairs practitioner.  I saw
that this list had other "helping" professions listed on it that deal
more with mental health counseling, and social work.  However, I just
thought that I'd try my luck and see if there were any higher ed
educators on this list.  If you wouldn't mind talking with a soon to
be graduate, you can send me a message to mpselm"@"gmail.com.  Thank
you all for your time.


Matt Selm
Graduate Assistant for RSO Development
University of Louisville

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