[humanser] The Trauma Myth: Understanding the True DynamicsofSexual Abuse
Merry Schoch
merrys at verizon.net
Mon Jun 7 17:20:39 UTC 2010
It's actually a book. I was able to find it at the USF Library as an ebook.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sharin" <coffeemommy at verizon.net>
To: "'Human Services Mailing List'" <humanser at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [humanser] The Trauma Myth: Understanding the True
DynamicsofSexual Abuse
>I really like this article and will be looking for a copy of the full text.
> Sharin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: humanser-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:humanser-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
> Behalf Of Mary Chappell
> Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2010 5:09 PM
> To: 'Human Services Mailing List'
> Subject: Re: [humanser] The Trauma Myth: Understanding the True Dynamics
> ofSexual Abuse
> Maryann,
> Thank you for sharing this article. It was truly a thought provoker.
> Regards,
> Mary Tatum Chappell
> -----Original Message-----
> From: humanser-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:humanser-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
> Behalf Of Mary Ann Rojek
> Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2010 12:27 PM
> To: blind-counselors at topica.com; Human Services Mailing List
> Subject: [humanser] The Trauma Myth: Understanding the True Dynamics
> ofSexual Abuse
> The Trauma Myth: Understanding the True Dynamics of Sexual Abuse
> By Susan Clancy, Psychotherapy Networker Posted on June 4, 2010, Printed
> on
> June 5, 2010
>>From the book The Trauma Myth: The Truth About the Sexual Abuse
> of
> Children and Its Aftermath by Susan A. Clancy. Copyright B)
> 2009 by Susan
> A. Clancy. Reprinted by permission of Basic Books, a member of the
> Perseus
> Book Group. Tell us what you think about this article by e-mail at
> letters at psychnetworker.org This e-mail address is being protected from
> spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , or at
> wwwddpsychotherapynetworkerddorg. Log in and you'll find the comment
> section on every page of the online Magazine section.
> As a graduate student at Harvard in the mid-1990's, I participated in
> research studies carried out by the psychology department that began in
> October 1996 and continued until August 2005 to interview adults who had
> experience sexual abuse as children and learn what effects the abuse had
> had
> on their lives. Although I was sure I knew what I would discover-that the
> abuse would be remembered as a horrible experience that overwhelmed the
> people I interviewed with fear when it happened and had always been viewed
> as a traumatizing occurrence-what I heard in the hundreds of interviews I
> conducted was quite different. In nearly all the cases, the adults I
> questioned had not experienced the abuse as traumatic when it occurred and
> only came to regard it as so years later. And in many of the cases, they
> had never been questioned about their evolving sense of the abuse and the
> ongoing impact that it had on their lives, but only about what the
> traumatic
> experience had been like at the time. These findings led me to question
> the
> progress professionals in the sexual abuse field have made when it comes
> to
> understanding and treating child sexual abuse.
> Certainly we have advanced to the point that the right things are being
> said (sexual abuse is common and harmful; it is never the child's fault).
> Funding in the trauma field has been secured, research conducted, studies
> and books published, treatment centers established, and public awareness
> raised through sex-education programs and campaigns in the media.
> But is
> any of it translating into actual progress for victims? Do they feel that
> they're being helped, that they're understood and their needs are being
> served effectively?
> The trauma model's main purpose-one of the primary reasons why mental
> health professionals welcomed it with such enthusiasm in the 1980's-was to
> provide an explanation for how and why sexual abuse wreaks such
> psychological and social havoc in victims. Armed with a better
> understanding of the impact of abuse, mental health professionals hoped to
> be better able to help victims cope with and recover from these damaging
> crimes.
> The problem is that today, after more than twenty-five years, predictions
> based on the trauma model have not proved accurate.
> Characteristics of the
> sexual abuse experience related to trauma (like how frightening it was,
> whether penetration or force was involved, and how many times it
> happened)
> do not do a good job of forecasting the level of long-term psychological
> harm experienced. There appears to be no direct, linear relationship
> between the severity of the abuse and the psychosocial difficulties
> victims
> experience in adulthood. Worst of all, we have developed no clearly
> effective treatments for sexual abuse victims. They continue to suffer
> from
> psychological and social problems in the aftermath of their abuse, and
> mental health professionals still have not reached a consensus as to
> exactly
> why or what precisely to do to help them recover.
> This state of affairs is far from surprising. How can trauma be the
> cause
> of harm if most victims say that the abuse was not traumatic when it
> happened? A growing number of scholars in the sexual abuse field are
> coming
> to agree that understanding how and why sexual abuse damages victims
> probably has little to do with the actual abuse and a lot to do with what
> happens in its aftermath. For example, as David Finkelhor concluded in
> his
> recent book Childhood Victimization, continuing research efforts that seek
> to track the consequences of early events through developmental,
> cognitive,
> and behavioral pathways may prove more fruitful than continuing the
> restrictive focus on the severity and nature of event-specific trauma. I
> believe that the victims themselves have always known this.
> --------------
> Jen was a sixty-five-year-old, divorced, retired administrative assistant.
> A tall, big-boned redhead with long purple fingernails, she was up front
> about lots of things. She did not like the coffee I gave her, my office
> was
> too cold, and she did not like the color of my hair. We were at the part
> of
> the interview when I asked her to rate how traumatic her abuse had been
> when
> it occurred. She did not like the questions I asked.
> "Nothing personal," she said, "but these questions are kind of dumb. If
> you are trying to do what you say you're trying to do, and figure out why
> the abuse screwed me up so badly, why are you asking so many questions
> about
> what it was like when it happened? What you need to be focusing on was
> what
> it was like later on."
> I asked what she meant. "What I mean is that what it was like when it
> happened and what it is like now are two separate things entirely."
> At that point in my career, I did not have a lot of experience
> interviewing sexual abuse victims. I had, however, a lot of experience
> interviewing victims of other kinds of horrible experiences (motor vehicle
> accidents, combat, natural disasters, abductions), and I had asked these
> subjects to rate how traumatic the events were at the time. No one in
> these
> studies had ever said this to me before. And as far as I knew at the
> time,
> scholars were not talking how perceptions of the traumatic nature of an
> abuse experience change over time-how an event not initially perceived as
> horrible could become so. They certainly talked about how symptoms of
> trauma (depression, anxiety) might not manifest themselves until long
> after
> the abuse, but they were not talking about how perceptions of the abuse
> itself can change.
> I knew I had to consider Jen's words seriously. From that point on, I
> asked my question in two parts: What was the experience like when it
> happened? And what is the experience like for you today, looking back on
> it.
> By the end of the study, the data was clear. Although sexual abuse was
> not a particularly awful experience for many victims when it happened,
> looking back on it, from their perspective as adults, it was awful-ratings
> of shock, horror, disgust, and even fear were all high. Obviously,
> perceptions of abuse when it occurs and when victims look back on it years
> later are entirely different. In addition, sexual abuse is very different
> from other kinds of terrible life experiences. For example, getting into
> a
> car accident is traumatic both at the time it happens and later when it is
> recalled. Sexual abuse, however, becomes traumatic later on.
> Why? What
> happens in the aftermath of sexual abuse?
> According to victims, they did not experience the abuse as awful when it
> happened because most simply did not understand clearly the meaning or
> significance of the sexual behaviors they were engaging in. That being
> said, at some point later on in life, they do. Over time, the "cloak of
> innocence lifted," as one victim described it. Victims reconceptualized
> the
> formerly "confusing and weird experiences" and understood them for what
> they
> were-sexual in nature and clearly wrong. Only at this point-when the
> sexual
> abuse is fully apprehended-does it begin to damage victims.
> Reconceptualization
> When Anne, a twenty-eight-year-old mother of two, was eight years old, her
> mother started working outside the home. Between 3 P.M. when Anne got
> home
> from school and 6 P.M. when her mom came home from work, a neighbor and
> friend of her mother's named Frank would babysit. Frank sexually abused
> Anne. Sometimes, when Anne was sitting in his lap, he would "put his
> fingers inside my panties and feel me up . . . and while this was going
> on
> he would thrust himself up against my butt and he would be breathing
> heavy."
> When it was happening, Anne said she did not like what he was doing but
> was "definitely not traumatized." And she was not different from most of
> the
> victims who spoke to me. "I knew it was something I shouldn't talk about
> with my mother, but not really exactly totally sure why."
> After
> about eight months of intermittent abuse, Frank left town, and Anne said
> she
> "just didn't think much about it again." But then something changed.
> Anne reconceptualized her abuse-she figured out the meaning of these
> previously ambiguous experiences. "I remember this like it was
> yesterday..
> . . I was in eighth grade and my friend Jennie was over and she had seen
> her brother and his girlfriend making out and she was reenacting them
> rolling around on the ground and moaning and it was then [that] I
> remembered
> what happened; it reminded me of what happened. . . .
> I
> realized, totally all of a sudden, that what had happened to me was
> sexual-that I had basically been having sexual experiences with my
> babysitter when I was kid." It took Anne six years to cognitively
> reconceptualize what happened to her and understand that it was wrong.
> Betrayal
> When they discover that they have been abused, victims most frequently
> report feelings of betrayal. As Cheryl, a forty-three-year-old high
> school
> teacher on maternity leave with triplets, put it, "I realized that I
> trusted
> him, what he was doing, and I should not have. He knew he was doing
> something wrong, and he knew I didn't know. . . . It was all an elaborate
> game of sexual betrayal." As Neil, an AIDS activist working for a hospital
> in Boston, said, "I realized that it wasn't just what he did to me
> physically. At that moment [of discovery] I lost my father.
> He was no
> longer someone who loved and took care of me. I was just being used by
> him
> for his personal gratification."
> For the victims who spoke to me, the degree of the betrayal was a
> function
> of two main variables. First, it depended on how close the victim felt to
> the perpetrator, on how much he or she trusted, cared about, or loved him.
> The second variable was the degree to which the victim believed he or she
> had been emotionally manipulated by the perpetrator or "taken in"
> by the
> situation. In those cases in which the abuse was traumatic when it
> happened
> (it involved force, violence, or pain), victims subsequently felt less
> betrayal. Since in these cases the children clearly understood the
> wrongness of the situation, any sense of betrayal arose immediately. And,
> because the children understood they were being victimized, the abuse was
> unlikely to happen again (or if it did, the child remained well aware of
> his
> or her victimization). Thus, victims did not have to undergo long periods
> in which they unknowingly fell prey to, as one subject told me, the
> perpetrator's "elaborate games of sexual betrayal." As Tom, a
> neurosurgeon,
> put it, "For two years, while it was happening I felt good about him. I
> believed him, all his lies and let him do whatever he wanted.
> It makes me sick to think about how much I trusted him, how much, for how
> long he took advantage of that." In other words, the degree of betrayal
> victims felt in the aftermath was an inverse function of how traumatic the
> abuse was when it happened: the less traumatic it was, the more betrayal
> victims reported.
> As a consequence, many told me, this betrayal forced them to rethink the
> past. For many victims, a former sense of security is shattered; many
> report feeling a new sense of interpersonal insecurity and vulnerability.
> As Maria told me, "The day I understood what happened to me, I completely
> lost my own sense of security. The childhood I imagined I hadbthe safety
> that enveloped me-was shattered. The people who were supposed to be
> looking
> out for my well-being [and] taking care of me were not."
> Betrayal affects not only victims' feelings of security and trust in
> others but also their self-worth. They feel that since they must not have
> been loved, perhaps they were not worth loving. As Charles, a history
> professor, explained to me, "You learn that who you are and what you might
> want or need just does not matter."
> Considering the degree and extent of the betrayal victims felt, I
> expected
> anger at the perpetrator to be a common reaction. Yet only 5 percent
> spontaneously reported feeling angry at their abuser. Why would the
> victim
> of a crime punishable in almost any court system in the world not be angry
> at the perpetrator? According to victims, it is because they turned the
> anger inward. Most, to a shocking extent, blamed themselves.
> Self-Blame
> According to philosophers, psychiatrists, and intellectuals from Aristotle
> to William James, from Sigmund Freud to Donald Spence, when bad things
> happen to people-like discovering they were sexually abused by an adult
> they
> trusted-it is human nature to want to engage in a search for meaning, to
> understand why the event occurred and what its implications for one's life
> are.
> As victims struggle to make sense of their experiences, they engage in an
> attribution process: they scan through all the possible explanations they
> can generate to come up with the one that they believe fits best.
> Traditionally defined, attributions are individual causal explanations
> for
> why events occur.
> If a victim asks, why did someone I trusted abuse me? there are, of
> course, endless possible answers. For example, he was screwed up or
> drunk,
> or I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The famous attributional
> theorist, Martin Seligman, would refer to this category of answers as
> "external explanations for negative events." It assigns responsibility for
> the event to someone or something else. But almost all the victims I've
> spoken with, to some degree, endorse an "internal" explanation.
> They see
> the abuse as their fault-caused by their own characteristics or behavior.
> I asked victims who was to blame for the abuse-them, the perpetrator, or
> both. Almost 80 percent felt both were at fault. While almost all could
> acknowledge that the perpetrator was responsible, they also thought they
> had
> done something wrong too.
> Again, I have found that the degree of guilt victims feel in the
> aftermath
> of sexual abuse is strongly related to the degree of trauma experienced
> during the abuse when it happened. Specifically, the less traumatic
> (forceful, frightening, threatening) the abuse was while it occurred, the
> more guilt and self-blame the victims report later on. Those victims
> whose
> abuse involved force or violence usually report the least guilt.
> In such
> cases, the victims know it was not their fault. One of the victims I
> spoke
> with summarized this quite well: "I was bleeding. I screamed when it was
> happening. He ran away. I got rushed to the hospital. It was pretty cle
> to me that he had done something wrong, that it was definitely not my
> fault." Victims who report no trauma at all during the abuse (for example,
> those who loved the perpetrator, enjoyed the attention, or occasionally
> welcomed the contact) feel extremely guilty.
> Today, most adult victims' knowledge about sexual abuse, about what it is
> like when it happens and how children react at the time, is a function of
> what they hear, read, and see in the media-the culturally available,
> standard scripts about this crime. Because of the trauma myth, according
> to
> these scripts, sexual abuse usually involves fear, force, and threat.
> The experience is portrayed as terrible for the victims. They are
> frightened when it happens. They try to resist the abuse.
> Whatever happens
> clearly happens against their will. Books, films, and websites repeatedly
> assure victims that they had no control, that they were utterly helpless.
> Words like "rape," "assault," and "violation" are commonly used to
> conceptualize the experience.
> No professionals explicitly discuss with victims or highlight the real
> dynamics of sexual abuse-that victims rarely resist it, often care about
> the
> perpetrators, and often receive "benefits" for participation, like praise,
> attention, and gifts. In fact, this kind of information may actually be
> suppressed. It appears to be an article of faith among professionals that
> you should not talk about aspects of sexual abuse that run counter to the
> trauma model at all. A wildly popular book written for professionals by
> Judith Herman warns professionals not to talk about the issue of consent
> as
> doing so will likely make the victims "feel revictimaized again."
> Because of the trauma myth, I am aware of no public information campaigns
> that say, "Kids don't know enough to say no." There are no books telling
> victims, "You let it happen, and it's okay. It's normal. You were too
> good
> to know bad." I know of no newspaper stories in which the victim comes
> forth
> after years to press charges and explicitly says, "I would have done it
> earlier, but I just didn't understand I was abused until now."
> Today,
> as a function of the mental health field's relentless emphasis on trauma,
> force, and violence and the subsequent embargo on any real-world,
> practical
> information about the reality of sexual abuse, most victims'
> experiences slip under the radar-their stories are ignored, dismissed,
> overlooked, or denied by the very people who purport to be trying to help
> them.
> What is the consequence? For victims, it is significant. They naturally
> compare what happened to them with the depictions of abuse in cultural
> scripts. As James, a nurse, told me, "What happened to me was different
> from other kids. I . . . well . . . it's hard to say out loud, but
> basically I let it happen." There is something wrong with me. As Denise,
> a
> bathing-suit model, noted, "I wasn't afraid. Sometimes I liked it.
> Obviously something's screwed up with me." I am alone. Claudia
> explained,
> "My abuse did not involve such force and violence. I basically let it
> happen . . . so it wasn't classical abuse."
> Given the degree of betrayal, guilt, and isolation victims feel, it is
> not
> surprising that they also commonly report shame.
> Shame
> Shame is an awful emotion, one in which the self is viewed as incompetent
> and as an object of ridicule, contempt, and disgust. Individuals feeling
> shame often view themselves as damaged and unworthy.
> Unfortunately, most
> victims use the word "shame" to describe how their abuse makes them feel
> as
> adults. As one victim summed it up, "I think the heart of the damage is
> shame. It eats away at me. It has eroded my sense of self-esteem and my
> confidence, my ability to love and feel loved. The abuse stopped when I
> was
> twelve; the shame remained my whole life."
> Further support for the perspective that what damages most victims has
> little to do with any trauma they experience during the abuse and a lot to
> do with the shame, guilt, and isolation they feel later on in life comes
> from the fact that in the handful of studies that have specifically tested
> it, therapeutic techniques involving cognitive retraining-identifying
> victims' irrational beliefs (for example, that the abuse was their fault)
> and then helping them to modify these beliefs (for example, by providing
> convincing information about why it was not their fault)-have shown solid
> promise in improving the lives of victims in the aftermath of sexual
> abuse.
> Today, victims need to hear the truth. This requires us all to highlight
> publicly the true dynamics of sexual abuse-to expose the painful reality
> that most victims care for and trust the perpetrator (before, and
> sometimes
> during and after, they are abused), that they do not really understand the
> nature of what is being asked of them, that they feel they
>>every receiving love and attention, that it does not hurt and
> sometimes
> feels good, and that, for all these reasons, participation is common.
> Once exposed to the truth about how victims feel and behave during sexual
> abuse, victims need to hear, loudly and clearly, why they were not at
> fault.
> We cannot accomplish this with platitudes or blanket statements like "You
> were not to blame" or "It was done against your will."
> They
> consented not because they were forced to but because they did not
> understand enough not to. And victims need to know that this is normal.
> Although they made an error of judgment-ideally they should have said no;
> they should have resistedbwe must reassure victims that given their age
> and
> level of cognitive and physical development, this error of judgment was
> understandable.
> In short, in order to help victims feel less stigmatized in the aftermath
> of sexual abuse, we must all communicate that they were helpless
> victims-not, as the trauma model portrays them, literally helpless but
> metaphorically helpless, victims of their own level of development.
> This information needs to be highlighted in the form of prevention
> campaigns, books, websites, and other culturally accessible outlets.
> Until
> that happens, victims will continue to feel alone, guilty, and ashamed.
> Professionals may fear that raising attention to children's participation
> in abuse will elicit in others a tendency to condemn victims, but I think
> we
> better get past this. Victims are already condemning themselves. Here is
> the tragic paradox. If the victim's cognitive interpretation of the event
> guides the process of psychological adaptation after sexual abuse, then
> the
> trauma theory is not only wrong but actually backwards.
> The less
> traumatic sexual abuse was when it happened, the more betrayal, guilt,
> isolation, and shame victims will feel and the more psychological distress
> and dysfunction they may experience in the aftermath. And because it is
> backwards, the trauma model is not just failing to help victims; it is
> actually causing some of the harm it was supposed explain by
> simultaneously
> exacerbating the victim's damaging beliefs ("It was my fault," "I am
> alone,"
> "There is something wrong with me") and suppressing the information that
> would neutralize them.
> Susan Clancy is the author of The Trauma Myth: The Truth About the Sexual
> Abuse of Children and Its Aftermath
> B) 2010 Psychotherapy Networker All rights reserved.
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