[humanser] APA Style: Citing Federal Law

Marion Gwizdala, M.S. marion.gwizdala at verizon.net
Mon Jan 17 14:45:16 UTC 2011

Dear All,
    I am wrapping up an article for submission to a major peer-reviewed journal and need some guidance citing federal law. If anyone with an expertise in APA style can answer my questions, I would greatly appreciate the input. In my article, I refer to the ADA and need to cite it within the text and, of course, on my reference page. Below is one example from the text of the article and how I have cited it within the text.

The expressed intention of Congress was "to provide clear, strong, consistent, enforceable standards addressing discrimination against individuals with disabilities" (42USC 12101 Section 2(b)(2)).

Is this a correct form of the in-text citation? Federal laws and rules appear in the Federal Register. Is this the reference I would use in my reference page? Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

fraternally yours,

Marion Gwizdala

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