[humanser] Call to action

Merry Schoch merrys at verizon.net
Tue Aug 6 21:48:23 UTC 2013

Greetings to All,


I am putting in this email two separate requests.  I will title the requests
so when you respond please change the subject line so I can keep the
information separate.  Thank you for helping to make things easier for me
(big smile).


1.        Licensing Exams:  If you have scheduled a licensing exam and have
requested to use screen access software but was denied or you accepted the
entities statement that this is not provided, but have not taken the exam
please send me an email in this regards at merrys at verizon.net

2.       Software  Accessibility:  For those of you who are experiencing or
expect to experience barriers due to the inaccessibility of software I need
the following information or as much as you can provide:  the software name
and who creates the software.  Send emails to merrrys at verizon.net


The Human Service Division leaders have made a pledge to you, the members,
that we will work on issues that limit our full potential in our
professional field.  After communicating with Mehgan Sidhu and Valerie
Yingling from the legal department of the National Federation of the blind's
headquarters earlier today, we need your input to compile list of members
with the above experiences.  It is now time for us to forge forward in
contributing to a paradigm shift for us!


This is only the beginning but it is a huge start!  Collectively we can make
this happen!


With my dedication and devotion to you all,


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