[humanser] Screen Access Software and Licensing Exam

Ericka Short ericka.short at wi.rr.com
Wed Dec 18 00:56:40 UTC 2013

OH NO!!!!!!

I had a great experience yesterday compared to the rest of you.  For those 
who do not know , Dec. 16th I took the  ASWB's Bachelor's social work exam 
here in  Brookfield WI at the Pearson Vue testing center.  Finding the place 
was the hard part.  The staff were cordial, respectful, organized and the 
two glitches we did have were taking care of as expediently as possible. 
Whether I passed or not is still in the hands of " the process" since I took 
paper and pencil rather than computerized.  I wasn't taking any newly used 
enlargement software or frozen computer chances.  I feel so bad for you 
Merry!  The minor problems I had were the spiral bound test booklet of 101 
pages fell apart as I turned pages and the  answers to one question didn't 
completely print.  They gave me a clip to keep the pages together and as to 
the missing choices issue, they called  the accommodations dept. and  it 
took an hour to get a simple solution.  I just worked on and took a lunch 
break with the supervisor at the front desk.  I began at 8:30 am and 
finished about 1:30 with time to spare.  When I was done I filled out a 
survey also in large, 18 point print and then was basically on my way.  I 
thank Janelle and Bob for their respect, support and helpfulness.  One thing 
that did happen was I don't think I was signed in and out properly  with the 
break but I was with staff all the  time except the bathroom break so it 
shouldn't affect me.  I am hoping the person who transferred my answers to a 
scantron sheet  was accurate.  I asked an they  have a process to maintain 
accuracy.  I was concerned because the proctors where changing shifts as 
was taking my survey.  Apparently  the proctor transfers answers to the 
scantron then the booklet and scantron sheet are mailed priority to the ASWB 
and they compare answers versus the sheet before the  scantron is processed. 
Yes, I have it wait for the pass/fail news for 10 days but at least I know 
they have the double check feature in place.  My bigger problem was brain 
freeze and graduating with my BSW 16 years ago. When I filled out the survey 
I did mention the need for collaboration between the blind community and 
testing boards to create a supportive and respectful process for 
professionals to take exams.  I also mentioned it was better to have JAWS 
and MAGic with speech which are common programs all blind would be able use 
effectively without any extensive training for testing staff rather than 
creating their own adaptive software or relying on built in features on the 
average computer's accessibility features since they are not always adequate 
for persons' particular needs.

I too was praying for and thinking of everyone taking the exams with 
accommodations.  Though I didn't wear an NFB shirt I did almost have my cane 
in the photo!  It fell off the wall it was leaning against just before the 
photo was taken.  Everyone in the waiting room had a good laugh at that!

I hope this story boost spirits a tad and is detailed enough to help with 
the ongoing project of improving accommodations.  Oh, Serena, thanks so much 
again for the practice manual.  I did brush up studying Sunday night with it 
and it helped a lot.

Ericka J. Short

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Philippians 4:13

"No hand is too small or too big to do good in this world." EJ. Short 

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