[humanser] Drivers license requirement for employment

JD Townsend 43210 at Bellsouth.net
Thu Dec 26 00:29:23 UTC 2013

Dear Sandy:

You write wonderfully and make interesting, provocative points.

The shock you write about at meeting a blind person is not experienced by my 
patients or other staff except for, perhaps, at first meeting. As a 
psychotherapist my work is all in the relationship between the patient and 
myself,  through the working of that relationship is the growth and 
transformation we work to achieve.

Of course my hair color, white, my sex, my height, how I dress, my primary 
language, my speech patterns, my body language and, especially, my ever 
present coffee mug all play a part in my presentation as does my white cane. 
It is all grist for the mill of our relationship.

At one time in my career I believed, as you seem to, that my blindness was 
my most important identifying feature.  At that time I had over 50 job 
interviews with no job offers.  That's correct 50 face to face interviews. 
After reading again some of the speaches of Kenneth Jurnigan I changed my 
attitude.  I decided that I would not allow blindness to identify me.  I was 
offered jobs after my next 3 interviews!  That's correct 3 job offers.

How we feel about ourselves is what best defines us.


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