[humanser] Exciting things are happening!

Merry Schoch merrys at verizon.net
Mon Jul 22 11:52:25 UTC 2013

Hello Human Services Division Members and interested parties,


Yesterday we held two teleconference meetings with participation of a total
of 24 people!  What a great start!  With membership inclusion we discussed
issues that the professionals and students are facing in  the field of human
services.  This information will  be taken to the Board to discuss and
approve these initiatives.  What we need is you!


I have created and appointed chair persons to committees - see list below.
We need members who are willing to serve on these committees.  If you are
not a member and would like to serve, please mail your membership dues of $5
to our Treasurer.  Please make checks out to NFB - HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION,
and mail it to:




  HOLLY HILL   FL   32117



.                     Events Committee 

Chairperson:  David  Stayer & Tyron Bratcher 

Description:  to create and manage special events during the year to support
education and awareness of our efforts, as well as, create presentations or
find presenters for our Human Services meetings at our national convention.

.                    Membership Committee 

Chairperson:  JD Townsend & Nicole Yarmolkevich

Description:  to build our membership and create interest in the Division.

.                    Fundraising Committee Chairperson: Amalia Veliz &
Denise Shaible

Description:  to raise funds for our Division and our National headquarters.

.                    Advertising/Social Media/Website Committee 

Chairperson:  Amalia Veliz & Nicole Yarmolkevich

Description:  to create Facebook page, web site, word press blogs, and other
forms of advertising for the Division.

.                    Laws & Policy Committee  

Chairperson:  Merry Schoch & Marion Gwizdala

Description:  To work on technological, employment, and other issues that
hinder full and equal access for professionals in the human services field.


You may be a part of more than one committee.  I have received a few emails
from our participants on the meetings yesterday who are interested in
serving committees; however, we need more!  Please send an email to me @
merrys at verizon.net or call me at 813 626 2789.  I will then send   your
names and contact information to the committee chairs who will contact you
when they have organized their meetings.


One thing was very clear from our meetings yesterday, and that is we have
work to do for professionals and students in this field to create a paradigm
shift for full and equal access!  It is time for this Division to move
forward in "Changing  What It Means to be Blind!" 


I look forward to working with you all!



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