[humanser] FW: Policy and Law Committee meeting

Merry Schoch merrys at verizon.net
Sun Oct 13 11:12:10 UTC 2013

Greetings to the Members of the Human Services Division of the National
Federation of the Blind!  I invite members to attend the Policy and law
committee meeting this evening at 8:00 p.m. eastern time zone.  The
committee will be the only members voting; however, at the end of each topic
we will ask for members input.  If after the meeting you would like to
become a member of the committee, please write me via email and we will
include you on the committee.  AS all of our committees we need members
willing to volunteer their time because we have a great deal of work and
projects to get off the ground.


Please see the email below for the call in instructions.


Dear All,

                I am writing to remind you that the Policy & Law Committee
of the Human Services Division of the National Federation of the Blind will
meet Today, Sunday, October 13th at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time zone. The call-in
instructions are pasted below. We look forward to the meeting . and working
with all of you to change what it means to be blind for those of us who work
in the Human Services profession.


Conference Participant Instructions


At the specified time, call (513) 386-0000 

The participant access code is: 554254 

Please note: This conference will be recorded. Participation in the
conference implies an agreement to and authorization for such recording in
compliance with state and federal laws.





Fraternally yours,

Merry Schoch and Marion Gwizdala, Co-Chairs


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