[humanser] licensing

Ericka J. Short ericka.short at att.net
Mon Oct 21 18:50:45 UTC 2013

WI has their own exam for the statutes but they use a national organizations 
exam to finish the credential process.  Yes, in WI there is a level for 
everyone.  The credentialing group WI uses is ASWB.  At one time it was 
called Basic exam and now it's something else but it is designed for testing 
all levels of social work.  www.ASWB.org is the site I believe.  The work 
with the National Association of  Social Workers I think.  Each state has 
different licensing requirements I believe.  Some states accept each others' 
license and others do not. I don't know what I'll do if I am hired in IL. 
We are about 10 minutes from the IL border.  I'm just concentrating on the 
exam  now!

Ericka Short
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 

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