[humanser] FW: [Nfb-lions] New member intro and penpal magazine

Ericka Short ericka.short at wi.rr.com
Thu Feb 20 03:07:42 UTC 2014

I’m impressed you could read the braille!

Yes, He Mr. Branco was writing for the Ziegler.  I hope they don't close up 
shop.  I really enjoyed it.  Things are not so, shall we say "partisan" as 
other magazines. I love Dialogue magazine too.  They take writers' stories 
too.  I don't know if they do it volunteer or are paid a small stipend for 
their work.

Any tricks to get a broiler's page down key to cooperate?  Mine moves when 
it feels like it and makes for a messy braille assignment for Hadley. 
Sometimes it goes down two  lines and other times it goes nowhere meaning I 
braille over a perfectly good line of braille.  Though I have a page slate I 
don't relish the idea of handbrailling the whole assignment.

Ericka J. Short

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Philippians 4:13

"No hand is too small or too big to do good in this world." EJ. Short 

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