[humanser] Board Meeting and NFB Logo/Brand Presentation

Merry C Schoch MSW merryschoch at verizon.net
Sun Oct 5 11:37:41 UTC 2014

Good Morning Everyone,


I hope you all woke up to the beauty of the day like I did here in Florida
with a cool 57 degrees.  I experienced this lovely weather in Boston two
weeks ago and am grateful for it here inFlorida this morning.  I am also
grateful for the information and experience of the Leaders and Ledgers
seminar in Baltimore a few days before I went on vacation to Boston.
Tonight,   after a few minutes of Division business, we will have a
presentation and discussion about the new logo of the National Federation of
the Blind.  I believe you will all enjoy the information if you have not
already heard about it an     if you have heard about it, I  believe the
interactive discussion of its meaning will be great!


Please join us tonight at 8:00 p.m. EST.    Call in information is below:


call (513) 386-0000

The participant access code is: 554254#

To mute: *6



Wishing you all a super Sunday!



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