[humanser] Persons with disabilities unwelcome at home with programs

dotwriter1 at gmail.com dotwriter1 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 15:04:00 UTC 2015

Hi everyone. I think this is the perfect place to ask this question seeing as we are all in Caring professions. I recently had lunch with my friend Naomi who used to work at our local Salvation Army and then worked with our local interfaith homeless shelter type program. She witnessed The supposedly caring caseworkers snaking snap decisions about people with physical disabilities not being able to participate in the programs. Now I realize that it is church-based there for the ADA doesn't force them to do anything. The current building is not handicapped accessible because of the historical nature of the building. It is a former school built in the 1800s I believe. At least one blind person with no other problems was denied and this is wrong of course. Anyone have done education with these programs before? I could contact people in my state and FB, but I'm looking for something from you because you are in the human services field. Any ideas off line or online would be appreciated. I am working with a non-prophet, Interfaith human rights advocacy group to accomplish changes. They are fully behind me.

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