[humanser] letting you all know

Kelsey Nicolay kelseynicolay1989 at gmail.com
Tue May 12 23:53:00 UTC 2015

Hi Renee,
It's been a while since I worked with openbook, but it is a good 
system.  Just make sure you are up to date.  Older versions of 
Openbook do not work well.  The Pearl camera is relatively new I 
think.  From the description on the website, it is supposed to be 
a good technology.  With regard to the software, the first thing 
I would do is do some googling to see if the software has any 
accessibility features.  Sometimes software companies put this on 
their website, so a simple google search might help.  I can 
google it for you if you like.  Write me offlist and I'll see 
what I can come up with and Email you information off list.
My email is kelseynicolay1989 at gmail.com
Thank you,
Kelsey Nicolay

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