[humanser] human services: Fwd: PRA Workforce Summit Conference

Lisa Irving peacefulwoman89 at cox.net
Thu May 14 01:16:54 UTC 2015

Please post my inquiry.  Thank you From, Lisa Irving Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Lisa Irving <peacefulwoman89 at cox.net>
> Date: May 11, 2015 at 3:49:40 PM PDT
> To: Human Services Division Mailing List <humanser at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: PRA Workforce Summit Conference 
> Hello,
> Is anyone attending the June PRA Conference? I have some questions. 
> What is a TET Talk? What is a Poster Session? 
> Do you or your fellow colleagues  supervise Peer Support  Specialist? I would appreciate  feedback  about selecting the most beneficial sessions. 
> I am trying to make myself stand out from other PSS job applicants. Your insights and candid feedback will help me make most of the opportunity I have been given to attend the conference  and job hunt.
> Highest regards,
> Lisa Irving
> Sent from my iPhone

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