[humanser] Uber as an alternative for a driving requirement driving

Merry Schoch merrys at verizon.net
Mon Nov 23 19:52:38 UTC 2015


I will admit the two times I used uber they were clean; however, not any
more so than the cabs I have taken.  I used them since I was without a
service animal.  The price was right, the arrival times were great, but my
concern will be in the future when I receive my new guide dog.  Denials have
happened in my area and others across the country.  In my county we have not
had problems in this area with our local cab companies since we have
educated and litigated.  I am in hopes that Uber will be more compliant
because denial of access creates a great deal of anxiety and other problems
when it occurs.  I will fully support and use Uberrwhen I can trust in their
full and equal access.  I am sure we all have different experiences using
cabs, Uber, and Lift and most individuals will make their decisions on those
experiences which is natural.  I speak from my personal experiences, as well
as from the position of vice president of the Florida Association of Guide
Dog Users and those who have been denied access by Uber drivers.  

Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

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