[humanser] Happy Thanksgiving!

Michael Abell bigdog4744 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 16:49:37 UTC 2015

Hello All!

               I hope that this greeting finds you all enjoying friends,
family, and of course food! I slept in for the first time this year as my
daughter began the feast before I woke up. I was awakened to the wonderful
smells of Stuffing being prepared. If was like I was a child and my mom was
cooking in the kitchen. How wonderful it was to come downstairs and find my
mother and brother sitting in the living room waiting to wish me a happy

               As I am sitting here waiting for breakfast, I wanted to thank
my NFB family for the many blessings that you give me throughout the year. I
hope that you all enjoy the blessings of this day and the gift of love that
friendship brings.

               May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us, may His
countenance fill us allways. Enjoy the food, family, and football.


With blessings to you all,


Michael "Big Dog" Abell


Helping individuals to find their eyes in the dark.

(480) 369-0805


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