[humanser] Challenges with VR services

marisol.carmona at aol.com marisol.carmona at aol.com
Fri Oct 2 00:54:49 UTC 2015


I tried applying for VR services in order to have some tuition 
assistance during my master’s program, which I will start fall of 2016. 
However, they denied me because by pursuing a social work degree, it is 
expected that I would not be advancing in my career, particularly in 
terms of salary. I am currently employed, but plan on quitting my job 
to focus entirely on school work. I shared with them this fact and they 
said that I would be eligible for VR services if I am unemployed, but I 
possibly could be asked to show proof that I cannot get a job with my 
undergraduate degree in psychology. I explained that there are no jobs 
that I’m aware of where I could work as a social worker without a 
master’s level degree, to which they responded that I could probably be 
hired as an entry level employee.
Has anyone had a similar challenge? Your input is greatly appreciated!


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