[humanser] concerned abouyt messages regarding clinets on this list

Merry Schoch merrys at verizon.net
Fri Oct 2 02:14:17 UTC 2015

Hello All,


I Have recently addressed "confidentiality" of our clients and posting
messages on this list regarding clients.  To state on a public list serve
that you are seeking information for a client is treading waters that can
lead to the loss of professional   license. In less than two weeks there has
been two messages looking for information to help a client.  There are other
ways of posting to receive information without violating client
confidentiality.  I have offered to look into creating a secure list for
such discussions; however, this is not going to happen over night.  Please
stop this type of communication on this list immediately!!


Deeply concerned,

Merry C. Schoch, LCSW

National Federation of the Blind

Human Services Division


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