[humanser] Our Cherished Clients

Michael Abell bigdog4744 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 11:03:22 UTC 2015

Hello All,

               I wanted to take a moment to thank Merry for the sometimes
difficult leadership that she gives us. This list is such a tremendous
resource for us all, and it could not function without someone watching over
us and providing learned guidance and direction.

               There are times in our work that we find ourselves working
with an individual or group and we need some consultation to bring another
tool to awareness that we may not have been experienced with. We have worked
hard to aquire the skills to help clients and to build rapport that allows
for healing to take place. The cornerstone of this work is trust.

               The client comes to us with difficult and painful topics that
they have held to themselves. We hold these topics in trust for them which
allows them to talk about problems with someone openly without judgement and
blame. Husbands reveal infidelities; children discuss their awkwardness;
mothers discuss their hatred of their children; trauma victims about their
shame. This is undoubtledly a difficult work to perform. A work that we all
love to perform!

               Because this list is so public, we must remember that our
conversations are held to a higher standard than others. We must safeguard
the trust that our clients have honored us with.

               When discussing our work in public, we must examine our words
and ensure that they do not provide identifying material. Basically,  if a
dialogue intimates that we have a client at all we may have breached their
confidentiality. It is a wonderful gift that we have in our leader that she
remains cognizant of our conversations and reminds us of this boundary.

               Thank you Merry for this work that you do and the gracious
tone that you share with us. Your efforts help us to keep it between the




Michael "Big Dog" Abell


Helping individuals to find their eyes in the dark.

(480) 369-0805


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