[humanser] New member

marisol.carmona at aol.com marisol.carmona at aol.com
Thu Sep 10 15:32:07 UTC 2015

Good morning,

My name is Marisol Carmona and I wanted to take a moment to introduce  
myself as I am new to the division. I currently live in the Washington,  
DC area and work for the Department of the Army as an Equal Employment  
Opportunity Specialist. However, I will be relocating to Boston next  
fall to begin a full-time masters program in Social Work. My interest is  
in trauma and would like to work with soldiers or veterans with PTSD. I  
would also like to explore ways in which I could provide support to  
veterans with newly acquired disabilities.
If anyone has experience in this area of social work, or are currently  
going through a social work degree program, I would love to chat about  
your experiences. I have been away from academic life for about 6 years  
and am a bit nervous about the adjustment. If anyone is, or has, been in  
the same position, I welcome any tips. My goal is to be as prepared as  
possible, which is why I am reaching out so far in advance  I look  
forward to maintaining a connection with the group!



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