[humanser] DSM 4 and 5 Bookshare

Ginny Duff duffg at stjoe.on.ca
Wed Sep 23 14:09:16 UTC 2015

I still cannot get it...   I keep getting "The Book of Woe"!   which is feeling quite appropriate!   
If you could send the link or is anyone has the ISBN number, that would be greatly appreciated.  

Dr. V. Duff 
Clinical Director, West End ACT Team, 
St. Joseph's Heatlh Centre , Toronto
Staff Psychiatrist, Complex Mental Illness, CAMH 
Lecturer, University of Toronto
Tel:   416.530.6000, ext 3101
FAX:   416.530.6363

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 23, 2015, at 9:54 AM, Christina Moore <christina.moore16 at houghton.edu> wrote:
> Hey,
> In the search box type American Psychiatric AssociN.
> I am not sure why but BookShare does not have it under American 
> Psychological AssociN.
> I hope this helps; if not, I can post the link to the list.
> --Christina Moore
> <IMAGE.gif>

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