[humanser] DSM 4 and 5 Bookshare

Ginny Duff duffg at stjoe.on.ca
Thu Sep 24 12:03:40 UTC 2015

Thanks Merry and Mary Ann!  

It would be great to go to the Convention.   I am sure the recorded highlights only capture a kernel of the energy of that event    So empowering. 



Dr. V. Duff 
Clinical Director, West End ACT Team, 
St. Joseph's Heatlh Centre , Toronto
Staff Psychiatrist, Complex Mental Illness, CAMH 
Lecturer, University of Toronto
Tel:   416.530.6000, ext 3101
FAX:   416.530.6363

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 24, 2015, at 7:50 AM, Merry Schoch via humanser <humanser at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> opportunity

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