[humanser] Becoming a member of the Human Services Division

Candice Chapman chapman.candicel at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 01:06:23 UTC 2016

Hello all,

I'm writing to briefly inform you about how to become a member of the
human services division. If you are subscribed to this list serv,
that's a positive step in the right direction! It does not, however,
mean that you are a member. In order to become a member you need to do
one of two things:

1. Come to the Human Services Division meeting at National Convention
and pay $5.

2. Send me a note with your name, phone number, email address,
physical address and $5 to the following address:

Candice Chapman
100 East 22nd Street
Minneapolis, MN 55404

These are currently the only two ways to become a member of the
division. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact


Candice Chapman

Treasurer, Human Services Division
National Federation of the Blind

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