[humanser] September Meeting of the Education and Development Committee Monday the 26th at 4:00 PM EST

Mary Ann Robinson brightsmile1953 at comcast.net
Sun Sep 25 00:52:49 UTC 2016

    Hello Federationists, Division Members, and Interested List Friends,

The September meeting of the Education and Development Committee will be held at 4:00 PM EST on Monday September 26th. 
Our teleconference call in number is: 513-386-0000 followed by the access code which is 554254 and then the pound sign.

 I am delighted to report that Merry Schoch, division president will be a guest on the call. 
Everyone is invited to participate and your contributions are welcome, appreciated and valued.  I hope you will be able to attend the meeting and I am eagerly looking forward to a dynamic and productive call on September 26th.   

With Sincere Regards and hope and determination to move forward,

Mary Ann Robinson, Committee Chair

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