[humanser] Questions for Potential Mentors- Psychology

Jaffre, Krista SS\PLMS - Staff JaffreK at issaquah.wednet.edu
Mon Feb 12 23:35:22 UTC 2018

Hi all,

   I have a student who is interested in psychology and would love to hear back from those of you in that field. Here is his introduction and questions (for liability issues he is not writing to you himself):

Hi! My name is Max and I'm a sophomore in high school. Here are some questions I have for psychologists.

·         How did you find your current job and how long have you had it?

·         What college did you attend?

·         What was your experience working with the disability resource center in college (if you did)?

·         What jobs did you have before this one?

·         Do you disclose your visual impairment in your interviews?

·         Did you take courses in high school and college that you recommend I consider?

·         Did you participate in an internship?

·         What is a typical starting salary for this job?

·         What is your typical workday like?

·         Do you use specialized tools or equipment to perform your job duties?

·         How did you finance the purchase of any specialized equipment you use on the job?

·         Have you worked with your state's department of services for the blind? If so, what support have they given you?

·         Where and from whom did you receive training in how to operate the tools you use to perform your job?

·         What related jobs do you know of that I might want to investigate?

·         What are your current career goals?

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Krista Jaffre

Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments


425-837-5674 (Office)

425-999-1835 (Cell)

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