[humanser] Eco-maps and Genograms in the field as someone who is completely blind?

Miranda knownoflove at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 20:34:13 UTC 2018

Hi Everyone,
I have written here in the past about the need to produce eco-maps and genograms as part of my social work courses. My professors are more than willing to allow me to produce narratives of these tools for academic assignments. However, one professor has asked me to consider how I would produce these tools as part of assessments when working with future clients as a professional social worker.
So, here I am again. As someone who is completely blind, I am wondering if you would be willing to share how you produce eco-maps and genograms when assessing clients?
Thank you as always for your time and assistance, and have a wonderful week!

Best wishes, Miranda

Sent from my iPhone

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