[HumanSer] FW: Opportunities in Counseling Across the Nation

sarah.meyer55 at gmail.com sarah.meyer55 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 16:55:31 UTC 2022


I’m just passing along some career opportunities. I did not look at all of the postings, but I do know the last one (with the Anxiety Institute) lists the dreaded “driver’s license requirement.” I know some of the others do not list this as a requirement.






From: Counseling Psychology <cpsygrad at gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2022 8:42 AM
To: kellye.cramsey at yahoo.com; Aaron Mocherman <aaron.mocherman at gmail.com>; Adrianne Francis <adriannef44 at gmail.com>; Alex Petry <alerner1016 at gmail.com>; Alex Wallace <alexwallacebutler at gmail.com>; Alexandra Robinson-Norris <anrobin1 at butler.edu>; Alicia Deogracias <aliciadeo at gmail.com>; Alyssa N Allen <aallen196 at yahoo.com>; Amber Sapp <ambersapp2013 at gmail.com>; Amy Etchison <amesetch at gmail.com>; Andrew Weissmann <awssmnn at gmail.com>; Andrews, Derek <andrewdj3 at gmail.com>; Andy Walsh <j.andy.walsh at gmail.com>; Aragon, Natalie Paola <nparagon at bsu.edu>; Aryauna Herron <aryaunaherron at yahoo.com>; Ashley Begley <abegley2 at gmail.com>; Ashley Hilliker <ashleyhilliker04 at gmail.com>; Ashley Matthews <amattbsu at gmail.com>; Aubrey Smith <aubsmith4 at gmail.com>; Billy Hall <bhbillyhall at gmail.com>; Blake, Allison <ablake at bsu.edu>; Bre McClintock <bamcclintock at bsu.edu>; Brittanie Mosbaugh <bcmosbaugh at gmail.com>; Brittany Gottschall <BMGOTTSCHALL at gmail.com>; Brittany Williams <brittney_williams at eagles.ewu.edu>; Bryan Adams <adamsbry at umail.iu.edu>; Califano, Katie Marie <kmcalifano at bsu.edu>; Cassidy Clouse <ckclouse at umail.iu.edu>; Catherine Shepherd <cathishep at gmail.com>; Chelsey Stinnett <chelseystinnett at gmail.com>; Chloe Czolgosz <czolgosz6 at gmail.com>; Christopher Modica <chris.modica at ymail.com>; Claire E Piper <cepiper at bsu.edu>; Claudia Borlee <claudia.s.borlee at gmail.com>; Colette J Kramer <colettejanekramer at outlook.com>; Dabney E Skutt <deskutt at bsu.edu>; Dachele Lanea Dycus <dldycus at bsu.edu>; Dana Hobbs <dhobbs6 at sycamores.indstate.edu>; David Martin <dmartin at insightsconsulting.onmicrosoft.com>; Eddie Craig <eddod999 at yahoo.com>; Elizabeth (Lowe) Jones <edlowe212 at gmail.com>; Ellie McArdle <eleanorm at selahhouse.com>; Emily Boswell <emboz.0502 at gmail.com>; Eric M Wilken <emw005 at marietta.ed>; Erin Eacret <eneacret at comcast.net>; Erin Tekulve <erintekulve at gmail.com>; Frank Carr <carrfm at gmail.com>; Glass, Maggie <miglass at bsu.edu>; Haile Ritchie <ritchiehaile at gmail.com>; Hannah Drake <hcdrake at bsu.edu>; Heather Powell <hapowell2 at bsugmail.net>; Heather Wilson <hwilsonwrites13 at gmail.com>; Hildebrand, Alison Jennifer <ajhildebrand at bsu.edu>; Hobby, Jarrett <jarrettbhobby at stu.bakeru.edu>; Hope Covington <covington.hope at gmail.com>; Hudak, Cassie <cass.hudak at outlook.com>; Jamie Mafatau <jlchapman at bsu.edu>; Jason Walls <jasonwalls05 at gmail.com>; Jeneice Shaw <jls038 at mcdaniel.edu>; Jenna Norris <jkn.norris at gmail.com>; Jenna Rosenberry <jlrosenberry at gmail.com>; Jennifer Lee <lee29 at umail.iu.edu>; Jeno Millechek <jeno.millechek at outlook.com>; Jeremiah Perkins <jeremiahperkins3 at gmail.com>; Jesse Stephens <Jessestephens904 at gmail.com>; Jessica Robinson <jrobinson1014 at gmail.com>; John McCall <jrmccall at spartans.manchester.edu>; Kacie Klem <kklem1 at sycamores.indstate.edu>; Kara Patrick <karahaleyfields at hotmail.com>; Kassandra Shellabarger <kshellab at butler.edu>; Kathyrn Hosier <klhosier at gmail.com>; Katie Helou <kehelou at bsu.edu>; Katie Landherr <katie.landherr at cuw.edu>; Katy Roth <kroth18 at yahoo.com>; Kaylee McDonald <kmcdonald at anderson.edu>; Kaylee Smith <kayleedeansmith at gmail.com>; Kiersten Patterson <kierkier123 at yahoo.com>; Kiersten Thomas <kiersten_thomas at yahoo.com>; Kirkeby, Kim <kimkirkeby at yahoo.com>; Kyle Benbow <kbenbow at bsu.edu>; Kyle Stepler <kylepstepler at gmail.com>; Laila Sayyah <lensayyah at gmail.com>; Laura (Huber) Stevens <lhuber at mail.bw.edu>; Lauren Floore <lfloore at mail.usf.edu>; Lia Moore <lia8696 at gmail.com>; Lighty, Kayla <kaylabelle3 at gmail.com>; Lizzie Ford <mlizford224 at ameritech.net>; Luma Bashmi <lbashmi at gmail.com>; Malorie Ann McLain <mamclain at bsu.edu>; Mariah Bruner <mariahrb1218 at gmail.com>; Marianne Foust <marianne2934 at gmail.com>; Matt DeRegnaucourt <m_deregnaucourt at hotmail.com>; McKenzie Slagle <Itskenzieleigh at gmail.com>; Megan Berry <megs.greer at gmail.com>; Meredith Spiers <mjs3444 at truman.edu>; Miata Jalisa Walker <mjwalker4 at bsu.edu>; Michaela E Holloway <meholloway at bsu.edu>; Mychaela Adkison <mychaelaadkison1995 at gmail.com>; Naomi Boucher <Naoboucher at gmail.com>; Nathaniel Roth <ndroth at bsu.edu>; Nicholas A Yergens <nicholasyergens at gmail.com>; Olivia Vasiloff <olivia_vasiloff at yahoo.com>; Paige Bailey <paireynolds at gmail.com>; Podlesak, Austin <a.m.podlesak at gmail.com>; Rachel Doran <rdoran1 at gmail.com>; Sadie (Mennen) Wright <sadie.mennen at yahoo.com>; Sam Bowser <slbowser at bsu.edu>; Sam Reilly <samantha.mae.reilly at gmail.com>; Samantha Girot <sgirot14 at gmail.com>; Sara A Groth <saraagroth at gmail.com>; Sarah Katherina Meyer <sarah.meyer55 at gmail.com>; Sarah Sargent <sarah at sargentsonline.com>; Sarah Young <se88young at gmail.com>; Sasa Elizabeth Vann <vannsasae at gmail.com>; Scott Deverall <sdeverall at yahoo.com>; Sean Hall <takumikuso at gmail.com>; Shannon Doody <sdoody at bsugmail.net>; Sheryl Maupin <sherylmaupin at gmail.com>; Spengler, Elliot <espengle at vols.utk.edu>; Sydney Hughes <sydneyhug127 at gmail.com>; Taylor Gabler <tgabler at bsu.edu>; Taylor Thomas <tthomas01 at saintmarys.edu>; Teal Russeau <tmrusseau at gmail.com>; Troxell, Kenzie P <kptroxell at bsu.edu>; Tyler Lehman <tyler.lehman19 at gmail.com>; Victoria McFerran <vemcferran at bsu.edu>; Wes Gall <w6014009 at gmail.com>; Whitney Robertson <whitneyr0202 at gmail.com>; Will Drumright <wcdrumright at gmail.com>; Worrick, Elizabeth <eworrick at bsu.edu>; Alicia Deogracias-Schleich <adeogracias at bsu.edu>; April Krowel <krowelphd at gmail.com>; Ashley Hutchison <ashley.hutchison12 at gmail.com>; Atari, Rawan <ratari at bsu.edu>; Brandon Millspaugh <bsmillspaugh at bsu.edu>; Byron Long <byronalong at gmail.com>; Chad Sims <cdsims at bsu.edu>; Chelly Neuenschwander <ceneuenschwa at bsu.edu>; Clare Gruszka <claregruszka at gmail.com>; Colbert, Sam <smcolbert at bsu.edu>; Collins, Rachael Marie <rmcollins at bsu.edu>; Corie Loiselle-Hess <cllhess at gmail.com>; Day, Victoria Nicole <vnday at bsu.edu>; Deborah Miller <djmiller2 at bsugmail.net>; Elisabeth (Betsy) Nickels <emnickels at bsu.edu>; Erica Hurley <ejhurley at bsugmail.net>; Francis Carr <fmcarr at bsu.edu>; Georgiana Sofletea <gmsofletea at bsu.edu>; Gosman, Derek Micheal <dmgosman at bsu.edu>; Grace Yoder <gmyoder at bsu.edu>; Hinnenkamp, Samantha <sfhinnenkamp at bsu.edu>; Hsu Yueh-Ching <yuehsu at gmail.com>; Hugh Kwon <counpsykwon at gmail.com>; Hunter Sully <hsully614 at gmail.com>; John McConnell <jmmcconnell at me.com>; Josh Staples <jrstaples at bsu.edu>; Kailah Glock <keglock at bsu.edu>; Kathleen Niegocki <klniegocki at bsugmail.net>; Kevin Young <young.kevin.87 at gmail.com>; Kodee Walls <kodeewalls05 at gmail.com>; Lamarra Currie <lmcurrie4 at gmail.com>; Long, Ajasha Maxine <amlong5 at bsu.edu>; Rebecca Hughes <rhughes2 at bsu.edu>; Reser, Kristen M <kmreser at bsu.edu>; Ryan Hess <ryanhess13 at gmail.com>; Schoener, Ashley Elizabeth <aeschoener at bsu.edu>; Scott Bischoff <scottbis at hotmail.com>; Sean Jones <skj1218 at gmail.com>; Tamding Wangdak <tamdingw at yahoo.com>; Yuri Choi <ychoi at bsugmail.net>; Zhang, Yuye <yzhang28 at bsu.edu>; Adam Kroot <askroot at bsu.edu>; Allyson Broadstreet <aibroadstree at bsu.edu>; Alyssa Fuller <acfuller at bsu.edu>; Ariana Gleckman <algleckman at bsu.edu>; Brian Tremml <bjtremml at bsu.edu>; Chandler Swain <cpswain at bsu.edu>; Grace Culver <gsculver at bsu.edu>; Jalyn Miller <jcmiller7 at bsu.edu>; Jessica Beaver <jbeaver at bsu.edu>; Jordan Macklin <jmacklin at bsu.edu>; Laura Hosek <lhosek at bsu.edu>; Megan Morris <memorris2 at bsu.edu>; Meghan Pier <mjpier at bsu.edu>; Michael Moses <mamoses at bsu.edu>; Natalie Duncan <nmduncan at bsu.edu>; Paige Chastain <pachastain at bsu.edu>; Shana Pierson <smpierson at bsu.edu>; TJ Rucker <trucker at bsu.edu>; Tyler Niedermeyer <tjniedermeye at bsu.edu>; Zachary Taylor <zrtaylor2 at bsu.edu>; Taylor Bell <tabell at bsu.edu>; Tim Gee <tdgee at bsu.edu>
Cc: Irvin, Barbara <bvirvin at bsu.edu>; Dr. Stef <stefaegis at bsu.edu>
Subject: Fwd: Opportunities in Counseling Across the Nation




---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Aegisdottir, Stefania <stefaegis at bsu.edu <mailto:stefaegis at bsu.edu> >
Date: Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 6:45 AM
Subject: Fwd: Opportunities in Counseling Across the Nation
To: CPSYGRAD <cpsygrad at bsu.edu <mailto:cpsygrad at bsu.edu> >


Please forward to our alumni, second year MA students, and 4th year doc students on internship.


Thank you

Stefanía Ægisdóttir, Ph.D. HSPP
Professor & Program Director: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Fellow APA (Divisions 17, 52)
Department of Counseling Psychology, Social Psychology, and Counseling
HB 447, Ball State University
Muncie, IN 47306
bsu.edu/counselingpsych <http://bsu.edu/counselingpsych> 

Begin forwarded message:


From: K&A Executive Search Team <recruiting at keelingassociates.com <mailto:recruiting at keelingassociates.com> >

Subject: Opportunities in Counseling Across the Nation

Date: February 8, 2022 at 3:55:34 PM EST

To: Stefania <stefaegis at bsu.edu <mailto:stefaegis at bsu.edu> >

Reply-To: K&A Executive Search Team <recruiting at keelingassociates.com <mailto:recruiting at keelingassociates.com> >





Dear Stefania,

Keeling & Associates is pleased to support a variety of searches for counseling centers across the nation. Several of these opportunities may appeal to those who have recently completed their academic programs and training. Others may appeal to those ready to take on more leadership in the mental health field. All positions are vital to the success and care of young adults.

We hope you will take a moment to consider if you know anyone who may be interested in these positions. If so, we would welcome a nomination or contact information on possible candidates, or simply ask you to please share the information. The positions we want to bring to your attention follow; the full job descriptions are available through the links on the title of each position.

 <https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkeelingassociates.us12.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3De476b98bcbf9987346f406bd4%26id%3D292b071c41%26e%3D5e47d06ffe&data=04%7C01%7Cstefaegis%40bsu.edu%7C6fe7a921b8184439c0d908d9eb455b58%7C6fff909f07dc40da9e30fd7549c0f494%7C0%7C0%7C637799505856004429%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=O%2FcRloY1RLXz2OPv2cyRr3pHNVnpGK7NsOsOpfhSd%2F0%3D&reserved=0> Grinnell College Staff Counselor

The College is seeking a mental health clinician (counselor, social worker, or psychologist) with at least one year of relevant experience to provide services to their student body. Those interested can contact Mr. Jeff Ewing, Senior Consultant for Executive Search, at  <mailto:jfewing at keelingassociates.com> jfewing at keelingassociates.com for more information.

 <https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkeelingassociates.us12.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3De476b98bcbf9987346f406bd4%26id%3De005774193%26e%3D5e47d06ffe&data=04%7C01%7Cstefaegis%40bsu.edu%7C6fe7a921b8184439c0d908d9eb455b58%7C6fff909f07dc40da9e30fd7549c0f494%7C0%7C0%7C637799505856004429%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=8PBTseiJ8d5HD1kh0%2FD7mWKqqn8h2y3EDt0HzLt3GsY%3D&reserved=0> Grinnell College Clinical Director

The College is seeking a psychologist with clinical and supervision experience to lead the staff providing mental health services to the students. Those interested should contact Dr. Lili Rodríguez, Senior Consultant for Executive Search, at  <mailto:lrodriguez at keelingassociates.com> lrodriguez at keelingassociates.com for more information.

 <https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkeelingassociates.us12.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3De476b98bcbf9987346f406bd4%26id%3Da7ebb7ddef%26e%3D5e47d06ffe&data=04%7C01%7Cstefaegis%40bsu.edu%7C6fe7a921b8184439c0d908d9eb455b58%7C6fff909f07dc40da9e30fd7549c0f494%7C0%7C0%7C637799505856004429%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=cAZ5q2dQYGvDH%2BkDKF63OH1SDKih9k4W4B%2FvS4AkomU%3D&reserved=0> Old Dominion University Director of Counseling Services

Old Dominion University is searching for a collaborative leader to serve as its next  <https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkeelingassociates.us12.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3De476b98bcbf9987346f406bd4%26id%3D817e999cb5%26e%3D5e47d06ffe&data=04%7C01%7Cstefaegis%40bsu.edu%7C6fe7a921b8184439c0d908d9eb455b58%7C6fff909f07dc40da9e30fd7549c0f494%7C0%7C0%7C637799505856004429%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=hg7iZ3cVT1h4HppP0jL%2FX8GgWtY6mqYRA23Uhz51ryk%3D&reserved=0> Director of Counseling Services. The team welcomes a clinician with expertise and a commitment to further integrating services who will help prepare for a new facility, which will centralize Counseling Services, Health Promotions, and Student Health Services. Those interested can contact Dr. Lili Rodríguez, Senior Consultant for Executive Search, at  <mailto:lrodriguez at keelingassociates.com> lrodriguez at keelingassociates.com for more information.

 <https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkeelingassociates.us12.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3De476b98bcbf9987346f406bd4%26id%3D3851b69e23%26e%3D5e47d06ffe&data=04%7C01%7Cstefaegis%40bsu.edu%7C6fe7a921b8184439c0d908d9eb455b58%7C6fff909f07dc40da9e30fd7549c0f494%7C0%7C0%7C637799505856004429%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=cRFz7yQvAnSNNkiDTMuyRGCtuKMbx2h2jp6l94wjAeU%3D&reserved=0> Sewanee: The University of the South Director of University CAPS

The University is seeking a mental health clinician with a minimum of five years of experience who would like to provide leadership and supervision for the staff in Counseling and Psychological Services. Those interested can contact Mr. Jeff Ewing, Senior Consultant for Executive Search, at  <mailto:jfewing at keelingassociates.com> jfewing at keelingassociates.com for more information.

 <https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkeelingassociates.us12.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3De476b98bcbf9987346f406bd4%26id%3Dfd01f9b932%26e%3D5e47d06ffe&data=04%7C01%7Cstefaegis%40bsu.edu%7C6fe7a921b8184439c0d908d9eb455b58%7C6fff909f07dc40da9e30fd7549c0f494%7C0%7C0%7C637799505856004429%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=%2BJqp7qbwuJQLSAWcXrgnyMGbBszkerbetXBZLqeW7c0%3D&reserved=0> Skidmore College Associate Director of Counseling and Inclusion

Skidmore College is meeting the call for more inclusive and innovative counseling practices and seeks a clinician with a sophisticated understanding of the needs of BIPOC students and other historically marginalized groups to serve as Associate Director. Those interested can contact Dr. Lili Rodríguez, Senior Consultant for Executive Search, at  <mailto:lrodriguez at keelingassociates.com> lrodriguez at keelingassociates.comfor more information.

 <https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkeelingassociates.us12.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3De476b98bcbf9987346f406bd4%26id%3D18b61ef4b0%26e%3D5e47d06ffe&data=04%7C01%7Cstefaegis%40bsu.edu%7C6fe7a921b8184439c0d908d9eb455b58%7C6fff909f07dc40da9e30fd7549c0f494%7C0%7C0%7C637799505856004429%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=14ICsNliPmncYRFN%2BGmydDtGnAfoaqkQmo7XQLjKKM4%3D&reserved=0> The Anxiety Institute

The Anxiety Institute offers distinctive services focused on treating teens and young adults with anxiety in an intensive outpatient program. There are no overnight, weekend, or on-call requirements for this role, and the Institute offers an impressive benefits package. Those interested can contact Dr. Lili Rodríguez, Senior Consultant for Executive Search, at  <mailto:lrodriguez at keelingassociates.com> lrodriguez at keelingassociates.com for more information.

In addition to the above positions, we are engaged in other leadership searches that can be found on our  <https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkeelingassociates.us12.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3De476b98bcbf9987346f406bd4%26id%3D4d953f56e4%26e%3D5e47d06ffe&data=04%7C01%7Cstefaegis%40bsu.edu%7C6fe7a921b8184439c0d908d9eb455b58%7C6fff909f07dc40da9e30fd7549c0f494%7C0%7C0%7C637799505856004429%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=nA36nsAb2lJphh4%2FsVF6Y3iIilnbf%2BzD9qnucvPvC4A%3D&reserved=0> website. Thank you for considering this request for nominations, and we wish you all the best.


K&A Executive Search Team 


Email:  <mailto:search at keelingassociates.com> search at keelingassociates.com
Web:  <https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkeelingassociates.us12.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3De476b98bcbf9987346f406bd4%26id%3Dc8c98d7063%26e%3D5e47d06ffe&data=04%7C01%7Cstefaegis%40bsu.edu%7C6fe7a921b8184439c0d908d9eb455b58%7C6fff909f07dc40da9e30fd7549c0f494%7C0%7C0%7C637799505856004429%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=gCU%2BSAx1gd6Hc6u26Lez3H%2F5th%2B%2F%2F%2F2Y5UnNpBfVSX0%3D&reserved=0> keelingassociates.com











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Change For Learning

55 Harry Kemp Way, Provincetown MA, 02657
 <mailto:search at keelingassociates.com> search at keelingassociates.com
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Staci Mannella

Master's Program Assistant

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Counseling Psychology, Social Psychology, and Counseling
Ball State University
Health Professions Building 434
Muncie, IN 47306
(765) 285-8040

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