[Iabs-talk] Congratulations to Braille readers from Illinois

Kelly Doty kelly at dls.net
Fri Apr 22 19:32:12 UTC 2011

Once again this year the Illinois affiliate offered prizes to Illinois 
participants in the national Braille Readers Are Leaders contest. We would 
like to congratulate the following winners:

Trips to our STATE CONVENTION on Oct. 7-9 were awarded to:

Elissa Edwards - Hudson, IL
Jhaliyan Anderson - Lynwood, IL
Dalesha Richardson - Sauk Village, IL
Stephanie Baccay - Genoa, IL

Checks of $25 were awarded to:

Andrew Behof - Cary, IL
Jada Pumphrey - Chicago, IL
Michael Pickerill - Mt. Olive, IL
Tyler Ellens - Orland Hills, IL
Viren Desai - Bloomington, IL
Lindsey Bates - Normal, IL
Tyler Thevenard - Rochelle, IL
Ethan Edwards - Hudson, IL
Matthew Leinart - Downers Grove, IL
Autumn Stengel - Heyworth, IL

Our adult winner of a $50 check was Liz Bottner from DeKalb, IL.

All those who participated in the contest and improved their Braille reading 
skills are to be congratulated and certainly will be rewarded with a 
brighter future! 

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