[Iabs-talk] Minutes on newsline

David Meyer datemeyer at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 23 12:22:24 UTC 2011

Hello Everyone,

For those who were at the Chicago Chapter meeting this past Saturday, you
are probably aware that rather than reading minutes at chapter meetings, we
have decided to post minutes on IL-Talk as well as the Blindness information
channel of NewsLine.  This new way of presenting minutes will take effect
beginning with the April meeting.

Please spread the word among Chicago Chapter members, particularly among
those who are not currently subscribed to IL-talk, so that they will be able
to view the minutes on NewsLine.  Those who are not subscribed to IL-Talk or
NewsLine will have to subscribe to one of these services in order to avail
themselves of minutes from previous Chicago Chapter meetings.

Anyone wishing to sign up for NewsLine may contact me in order to do so.

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