[Iabs-talk] board meeting tonight

Patti Gregory Chang Esq. pattichang at att.net
Wed May 2 00:24:05 UTC 2012

National Federation of the  Blind of Illinois
Draft Agenda 

2012 May 1st, 8:00 p.m.

via conference call 
218 936 1200 code 6324

1.	Minutes of 3/29/12 

2.	Treasurer's Report 1st quarter 

3.	2012 Spring TVI/parent seminar 	

4.	Spring Seminar 2013

5.	National Convention Scholarship winners?

6  2013 Convention Planning 
	Naperville questionaire sent 2/18/12
	Where are we with Matteson

7.	Legislation 
	National 3086 Annette
	State Voting Cary Bill and Jemal
	Guide dog bill  HB 3826

8.	Annual Reports  
	Legislation promised 12/6 and 2/23
9.	Scholarship breakfast

10. contributions at convention

Next meeting 

Patti Gregory Chang Esq.
Chair, NFB Scholarship Committee
President, NFBI
pattichang at att.net

Patti Gregory Chang Esq.
Chair, NFB Scholarship Committee
President, NFBI
pattichang at att.net

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