[Iabs-talk] Agenda IABS Meeting Feb 17

Rose Sloan rosesloan2013 at u.northwestern.edu
Wed Feb 13 18:34:29 UTC 2013

Dear Members of IABS

Below please find the agenda for the Feb. meeting.  This focus of this
meeting will be our mentoring program between IABS/NFBI Members.  We will
also discuss scholarships, the treasury, and of course, Washington

I look forward to hearing all of your wonderful voices on Sunday.  Please
call 217-936-1200 passcode: IABS (4227) at 8 PM Central!!

IABS Feb. Meeting 2013

1.   Introductions/Icebreaker: Who is your favorite musical artist?

2.   Approve January Minutes

3.   NFBI Board Meetings (Patti) Who wants to attend the next meeting?

4.   Washington Seminar (James, Rose, Debbie, Patti anyone else who went)

5.   NABS Winter Meeting (James)

6.   T-Shirt Update (Julia)

7.   Mentoring Program (Bree and Rose)

8.   Treasury (Meg and Rose)

9.   Parent/Teacher Seminar (Debbie and Chris)

10.                   Scholarships (Debbie and Patti)

11.                   Next Meeting?

12.                   Adjournment
Please let me know if you feel anything is missing from the agenda that
should be added.  Thank you for all you do!!


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