[Iabs-talk] Fwd: USICD's New Disability Internship Program

Denise Avant dravant at ameritech.net
Sat Jan 19 00:15:03 UTC 2013

Hi rose,
I think there may have been a connectivity problem. I think you should be able to see this now.

Denise Avant
dravant at ameritech.net

P.S.  Please give to the National Federation of the Blind of Illinois Annual
Appeal by sending your tax deductible donation to NFBI c/o Glenn Moore III,
Treasurer P.O. Box 1065 Elgin, IL 60121.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: denise avant <dravant at ameritech.net>
> Subject: Fwd: USICD's New Disability Internship Program
> Date: January 18, 2013 6:12:46 PM CST
> Sent from my iPhone
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Rita, Sherri" <Sherri.Rita at AMERICANBAR.ORG>
>> Date: January 18, 2013, 8:51:50 AM CST
>> Subject: USICD's New Disability Internship Program
>> Reply-To: "The Disability Discussion Docket (3D) - Official e-mail list of              the Commission on Disability Right" <3D at MAIL.AMERICANBAR.ORG>, "Rita, Sherri" <Sherri.Rita at AMERICANBAR.ORG>
>> From: Esme Grant [mailto:egrant at usicd.org]
>> Dear Colleague,
>> I am pleased to announce that with the vital support of the Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation, USICD is launching our first internship program, and I write to ask for your assistance in disseminating this announcement to potential applicants for this exciting program.
>> The Youth in Development program (YiD) will bring a small group of talented college students, graduate students, and recent graduates with disabilities to Washington, DC this summer for immersion in the international affairs and development field.  Interns will serve for nine weeks in nongovernmental organizations that work within the field, participate in core training and networking activities provided by USICD, and have a unique opportunity to hone their experience and career trajectory.
>> Participating interns will be matched to a host organization and receive a stipend, travel expenses, and fully-accessible housing for the summer of 2013. 
>> The program follows from a vision, core to USICD's mission, to increase disability inclusion in U.S. foreign affairs by supporting future professionals to invest their skills and talents in this field.  A successful candidate will have shared in their application their preparation for a career in international development and foreign affairs, their vision of their future, and how a Washington, DC internship will aid their career development.
>> To learn more about YiD and how to apply, please visit USICD's Youth in Development Initiative page: http://usicd.org/template/page.cfm?id=257
>> Please note: the application deadline for the 2013 summer program is February 18, 2013.
>> Please disseminate this announcement to your students and relevant network lists.  Thank you,
>> David Morrissey
>> David Morrissey
>> Executive Director
>> United States International Council on Disabilities
>> 1012 14th St. NW, Suite 105
>> Washington, DC 20005
>> Office: (202) 347-0102
>> Mobile: (301) 787-2598
>> Fax: (202) 347-0351
>> dmorrissey at usicd.org
>> www.usicd.org

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