[Iabs-talk] IABS Idol

J. Chang roseailuj at att.net
Tue Sep 17 19:41:09 UTC 2013

Hello everybody!  As we all know, state convention is coming up this October.  Every year IABS hosts an event called IABS Idol, in which anyone may perform any song of their choice and are critiqued by a panel of judges.  All of the proceeds go to IABS.  This year, we intend on having a five dollar cover charge for everyone, regardless of whether you perform or not.  However if you do perform, this five dollars will go towards your first song.  So don't be shy!  If you already know you want to perform, please e-mail me with your song choice and whether you want karaoke or not (this will make the process go much smoother!).   Also, get ready for battle of the chapters! This year's theme is songs about independence.

Again my contact info:
roseailuj at att.net    
773 899 1654

-Julia Chang
Illinois Association of Blind Students, Secretary
roseailuj at att.net

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