[Iabs-talk] reminder about next at large meeting

Leslie Hamric via Iabs-talk iabs-talk at nfbnet.org
Sat May 31 17:21:49 UTC 2014

Our next at large chapter meeting will be on 6/1/14 at 7:00 pm.  All are
welcome.  Please call

805-360-1000 code 6324.  Below, you will find the agenda.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Leslie Hamric, NFBI At Large Chapter President


Agenda for At Large Meeting on 6/1/14


Reading and approval of minutes - Charlene Elder 


Presidential release-Dave Meyer


Program: play part of a segment from thruoureyes.org - Leslie Hamric


State report - Patti Chang 


Old Business


New Business

The date of our July chapter meeting falls on the last day of National
convention, 7/6/14. I will be attending the national convention.  Do we want
to reschedule the July meeting or skip July and just have our next meeting
in August?  Chapter members will decide.





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