[Iabs-talk] Agenda for next at large meeting

Leslie Hamric lhamric930 at comcast.net
Fri Sep 5 19:29:48 UTC 2014

Our next at large chapter meeting will be on 9/7/14 at 7:00 pm.  All are
welcome.  Please call 805-360-1000 code 6324.  Below, you will find the
agenda. We look forward to seeing you there.

Leslie Hamric, NFBI At Large Chapter President


Agenda for At Large Meeting on 9/7/14


Any new callers will briefly introduce themselves


Reading and approval of minutes -- Charlene Elder 


Presidential release-Dave Meyer


Program -- Robert Hanson will play a segment of his radio show


State report - Patti Chang 


Old Business -- Do we want to have an At Large dinner at state convention
like we have in past years? We charged people $10 admission at the door; do
we still want to do this too?


New Business -- Start thinking about what song at large would like to do for
IABS Idol, can be about anything, bring your ideas to October meeting and we
will decide on one then





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