[Iabs-talk] chicago minutes august 2014

David Meyer datemeyer at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 9 13:54:02 UTC 2014

NFBI Chicago Chapter Minutes 

August 9, 2014

Jemal Powell 2nd vice-president chaired the meeting due to David Meyer's


Meeting started at 1 p.m. 



Introductions were given.   three figures for attendance at the meeting.  

First count was 23 people.  Then Lauri Dishman counted 27 people.  A dispute
over the head count


Next on the list is the program from Lauri Dishman (now Modesto made it 24

Lauri Dishman is a licensed counselor and used to work at 2nd Sense.

She worked at 2nd Sense for ten years and a year ago she resigned and
started her own business.  InnerFocus is the name.  She does counselling,
career counselling.  She enjoys the flexibility of running a business.  She
has business cards and distributed them to the members in attendance.

Talk about how to achieve success in the workplace.  A step by step process.
Be successful in the workplace.  There is No special formula.  It is a
challenge, for everyone, be they blind, sighted or visually impaired. Her
goal is to identify the barriers and raise our chances to get a job.  Job
seekers must be proactive rather than reactive.  Overcome challenges rather
than react to them.

Lauri did a survey of how many people are working, how many are actively
looking and how many are happy not working or are not looking for a career,
including retired people. 

She then talked about why people get fired from their jobs.  A blind person
has to be motivated and work harder than a sighted person.  Motivation is
very important.  He/she needs to understand what to do and what not to do to
remain employed.  Asking a person what someone's experience with job
interviewing is like.  Borst said he went on 140 job interviews.  This was
during the 1990's.  Borst was motivated with finding a job.  He went on to
say that Persistence and motivation pays off.    Though coming to work may
be more difficult for a blind person in bad weather, the blind person must
do what he/she  has to do to get there.

How you portray yourself is important

When being interviewed, one must answer each question honestly, unless
he/she knows the question being asked is illegal.  Why do people get fired?
Number 1 reason is not being on time.  Absenteeism is not tolerated.
Employer finds the employee to be an asset.  Employee has knowledge.
Relating to other people.  Rely on people and they do not get there.  A
project will be delayed, other people have to work overtime.  Important for
employees to show up.  You care about being there.  Number 1 challenge for
blind and visually impaired people is to get there.  Good O&M skills are a
must.  Take time to get additional o&m instruction if necessary.  Lauri
asked if someone wanted to share their experience.  When working with an
instructor, be sure the instructor is thorough and that directions are clear
and easily understood.  Prepare yourself for unexpected situations.  Take
extra time if necessary.  Hopefully the mobility instructor gives you advice
with finding solutions to travel.  Good travel skills will impress

Borst talked about using a guide dog and when it is practical when to leave
the dog at home.  Using a cane is important.  He started using the white
cane when he was 15 years old.  Borst talked about curbs and curb cuts.  He
resents curb cuts.  He has to be twice as careful as the next guy.  Safety
and well-being.  Every mistake you make on the street can be potentially
lethal.  Joan Porter had a complaint about curb cuts.  

Jemal Powell sited lack of job performance as a reason for termination.

Another reason that people lose their job is due to losing their vision
later in life.  They may not be able to read numbers.  Lack of eyesight is a
challenge when this happens.

Lack of Honesty on the job.  The employer perceives something is wrong and
nobody says anything about it.  This is unfair to both an employer and an
employee.  Why can't the employer be attentive about this?  The employer
cares about the bottom line.  The employee Have to be honest withhimself.
Is the failing eye sight putting him in jeopardy?   It is best to report the
eye sight is becoming a challenge.


The employee must also be aware of his technology needs and it is up to him
to know how to use that technology.  


Now the head count is up to 27 people.


Bruce Paul talks about getting into the door.  Nobody talks about why people
do not ask him why he is not getting a job.  He does not see employers
trying to understand him for who he is, his strengths or his weaknesses.  A
facade they put up why they do not hire disabled people.  Talking about
getting older and some of their faculties are going.  An example is going
into the H R department with an example.  Changing people's perception.
Again Lauri says there is no formula.  One can't control how a potential
employer feels when he sees a blind person walk into his office with a cane.

Steve Hastalis says that it is essential for mobility instructors to have
positive attitudes about blindness.  He hopes that their attitudes have
changed in the past 40 years.  He wants to do free-lance work with travel

What is their attitude about blindness?  What is their call?  We want people
to change their attitudes?  What is it I can do to change the perception?
Live life and get out there.  Take advantage of things to help you find joy.
Sense of happiness and joy.  Lauri's opinion.

Robert H.  Do we explain that we use assistive technology?  Do we disclose
this?  The more that we can relate skillset, the better the argument could
be.  Take one of the most important tasks.  Accountant, ability to handle
the job.  Explain how to manage spreadsheet.  Use of Excel and other
software and the use of an interface, e.g. screen reader to demonstrate if

Jemal speaking.  Help expedite the questioning process.

Bruce Paul, says research the job and the company you want to work for.  The
A.D.A. law is written.  Federal or other job.  The cost of the technology.
Wants to have a presentation about how the A D A works when it comes to
disclosure and technology.  

Pam G.  How does one avail themselves of Lauri's services?    Lauri is a
vendor of the state.  Do you have an open case?  Tell the d r s counselor
you want to work with InnerFocus.  The state will pay for this.  If you
don't have an open case, she has a fee that is negotiable.  She is
relatively low cost.  Lauri Dishman 101 North Marion Street Suite 312 Oak
Park IL 60301 (7 0 8)7 1 4-2 9 5 8 www.yourinnerfocus.com
yourinnerfocus at gmail.com 

Steve brings up Braille literacy.  Braille literacy is very important for
people.  Dr. Ruby Riles from Louisiana Tech studied that Braille literacy is
important, your chances are better at getting and keeping employment.
Higher income.  



More people came into the meeting.

A woman came in with her 8th grade daughter with a science project.  Maria
and her daughter,  Crista.  Crista's project:   Can blind people make the
expressions with the 5 basic emotions?  The Cicels would be seated toward
the back of the room.  Anyone who wants to set up a time to work with them.

What's Happening?  Adam got his kidney and it happened on June 6th.  After 5
years of being on the list.  He has been out of work recovering from the

Bruce Paul Proud of himself opening a door with a card reader, grade 2

CVS is actually hiring in their call center for customer service workers.
Claims hiring blind and lowvision individuals.  Go to the website and find
the work.  Gina said www.cvs.com  

Robert interviewed Dave Meyer on WZRD about NFB-Newsline.  

Dave Meyer's brother in law is gravely ill.  Keep him and Teresa in your

Medical Corner - Pam G.  

Seems like ages since Medical corner was done.  Came from Don G being in the
hospital for major surgery.  

Pam was a medical transcriptionist.  

You need to advocate for yourself.  Know What you want.  What you don't
want.  What you need to know.  

When entering a doctors office, you wait, wait, and wait some more. Make
that time work for you.  Open your ears and your other senses.  Learn Where
the receptionists desk is.  Listen for people asking where the washroom is.
What direction it is.  You will know what you are doing.  You will have more
confidence.  Office staff will Respect you more.    Command the respect of
the medical personnel.  They will understand that you know what you are
doing.  You do not have to wait to be taken places.  Pam talks about her
confidence with working her confidence.


Some digital books to download and order are, Life of Control Stories
Dealing With Diabetes.  DB-7 3 4 8 3 

Your Medical Mind, Doctors Examine The Way Patients Make Treatment Choices,
DB-7 3 7 8 6

Companion   How Doctors Think DB-6 4 6 2 0 

Bruce Paul - Wants an attorney from Access Living to present concerning
dentist's office and hospital visits.  Section 504 money.  Go to a hospital
rather than a dentist.  Take federal funds.  Attorney from Access Living
said this.  Possible accessible issues.  Robert questions.  Hospital
receives funds and is under rehabilitation act.  Bruce said can provide
chair access.  Hospitals can provide better access methods.  

Hastalis - following up Pam's point.  Listening to receptionist.  Interior
of the examining rooms.  Orientation method.  The doctor gives you meds.
What does it do?  What are side-affects?  Why do I need this medication?
You are taking charge of your situation.  Bring writing materials with you
to take notes.  

Pam - Walgreen's pharmacist knows her and Don.  Take the time to read the
information about the drugs for you.  DB 7 3 4 8 3 

Pam has never had trouble using her regular dentist.  Go to the dentist and
get into the chair.  

Gina 2nd Sense on Friday August 15 10:30 am to 12 pm   AndresGalagas .
Robin Solomon sharing knowledge about discharge info and other items put in
a format that is accessible to you.  (3 1 2)2 3 6-8 5 6 9.  Friday August 15
10:30 am to 12pm


Next is approval of the minutes from June 2014 meeting.  Minutes were


Treasurer's report 

2nd quarter report

Steve Hastalis giving report

April May June

April 2014 $2976.04

Income Dicks Last Resort March 13, 2014 $1035

Monthly collection May $86

June $74.69


Dues 9 renewing $5 each $45

Sox $25 each $1,275 

additional subtotal $80 making it $1355

Beggars Pizza Eat and earn $221.22 additional 50 dollars $271.22

Alan Glickman Memorial $25 2 cane tips $1 subtotal $2

Total $2,893.91


ACH preauthorized to NFB $50 monthly

$50 April May Jun $150

Sox fundraiser August 2 game reimbursed 106 tickets $13 each $1,378 for
David and Theresa Meyer

ExChequer, $50 each month May June $50 $100 

2014 Convention $250 a piece JTW NFB White Cane fund NFB Jernigan Fund Sun
Shares total $1000


Ending June 30, 2014 $3,241.95

This is the 2nd quarter treasurer's report.  Additional dues payment, one
Federationist has renewed 

Treasurer's report approved.  


Presidential Reports


National Presidential Release:  Mark Ricobono is the new National President 

Remembering some Federationists that passed away. President NFB Delaware
passed away July 19

John G. Perret recently passed away.  He served in U.S. Navy

He believed in the work of NFB and did a lot of work.  His own son works at
NFB head office. 

Rose Sloan's grandmother passed away.  

Celebrating joyous victories.

NFB president was at White House President's signing of Workforce Innovation
Act.  NFB celebrates this.  Celebrate Congressman George Miller,  NFB point
of view  Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act


Promote Convention Rights for People with Disabilities.  Anniversary of A D

More talk on 14C Making sure government adopts rules that Internet as a
place of public accommodation.  Discussed at NFB convention 2014

A great month celebrating the NFB-NEWSLINEJuly 29, a parent of Vermont filed
suit against Scribd.  There services are not accessible to blind.  This is a
subscription service.  

More work to be done in digital information.  

NFB Jernigan Institute has intern programs

2014 Summer Interns speak about their experiences working at National

Scott White directs the NFB Newsline program

Added Magazines Family Fun and Rachel Ray's Every Day

Breaking News category 

Added Daily Beast and Daily Caller 

Added state publications, Norfolk Daily News from Nebraska and Roswell Daily
Record from New Mexico 

Please call 8 6 6 5 0 4 7 3 0 0 or email to nfbnewsline at nfb.org for

STEM To You Program

Students will work at local science museums

Natilie Shaheen coordinates this STEM to you   Deadline August 15, 2014

Maryland Massachusetts and Ohio.  

stem at nfb.org  calling 4 1 0 6 5 9 9 3 1 4 extension 2312 

Anil Lewis wants you to remember Bid-For-Equality  

This will raise money for NFB programs

Auction takes place from Black Friday through Giving Tuesday This is an on
line auction 

Go to www.biddingforgood.com/bid-for-equality and register for the site and
getting updates to be in the loop to promote to friends and family

Send email bidforequality at nfb.org  


Gearing up for 75 days of action

President Ricabono participated in the start of a new chapter.

Kevan Worley talks about building the chapter

Worley presents the chapter building September 2 and runs through November
16, 2014

November 16 begins the 75th year of NFB.


75days at nfb.org for more information


Social Media encourages things.  NFB_Vocie on Twitter and like NFB on

NFB Maryland BELL program was held at National Office in July 2014

Regarding NewsLine another publication was added  ESPN Online was added.
Yesterday a paperin Greenvill South Carolina was added.

State Presidential Report:  Patti Gregory-Chang

Fund raising 

iPad Raffle  buy tickets for raffle tickets are $5 apiece
www.nfbofillinois.org  You can buy on line and use PayPal.  

NFB of Illinois is now on Amazon Smiles  www.amazon.com/smiles is the site

BELL Program went well  the sailing event was positive 

75 days of action plan.  

Bill Reif Cary Suppolo and Robert Hansen are working on it.

Bloomington Rockford and the At Large Chapter

State Board including a hotel tour on August 30, 2014  If you wish to
participate by phone, call (8 0 5)3 6 0-1 0 0 0 and use code 6324

September 20 is October Fest 6919 West Berwyn activity starts at 4 pm

October 31st is the State Convention and is November 1 and 2.

Panels are planned.  Janet Szlyk will be there.  Cheaper to pre-register

Politicians and others will be there.  

Contact Patti (7 7 3)3 0 7-6 4 4 0 for any questions.

State report was approved


Committee Reports


Jemal chairs programming - Meeting schedule changes - September change,
program not quite determined yet.  October might be different as well.
Changed due to Meeting changes

ny questions?  

Robert will give membership report

Maybe call a meeting soon.  

Those people should think of ways to get new members.  Community center or
any other place.  Leave off NFB literature - carry the message 

Any comments or questions -  hastalis - Making preliminary contacts with a
retirement through a friend from church now lives.  The Admiral on Foster
near Lake front Sheridan and Marine Drive


Next report fund raising report from Ken Staley

Successful outing from the Sox.  Twins won the game.

November is Read A Thon.  8th of November  

get at least $10 for the fund.  Goal is $1000 

if we get $1000 or more Ken Staley will contribute $200 to the fund.  He
raised over $400 for a similar event last year.

Ask people to donate $10 or more

This benefits the local chapter

Each participant has to contribute $10 if they do not get $10 from someone

Bring anything you want to read.  Braille Talking book, whatever you want.

Jemal with a question - Was there a decision to keep track of the pledges?
This is a flat rate.  

People ask about how much people can pledge.  Whatever you can get.


Old business:  Staley has a comment

He did not like the way the minutes were presented.  Robert had to defend


Steve Hastalis summarized the meeting of the CTA ADA Advisory Committee.
The City is experimenting with traffic light adjustments, giving bus extra
time to get through a light.  Blind community wants the city and CTA to give
a demonstration about this system.


The Lighthouse is doing station guides to go on line using Freedom Grants.
The Blind community wants to see the work before it goes on line.    

A meeting will be coming up in August concerning the traffic signal project
with City and CTA officials.  Hastalis thanked all those who came out for
July 14 meeting for CTA ADA committee meeting.  

He Also thanked all of those who came out for CTA rail car demonstration at
Lawrence and Kimball on July 26 

Apparently the back seat communication devices in taxicabs are not
accessible like they should be.  

This is regarding taxi cabs.  1500 cabs.  Information pertaining to a city

Margaret asked about TAP cards.  Breech of information question.  Hastalis
said the TAP card is subsidized by the city.  What is getting resolved and
what is not getting resolved?  


New business?  

Recently Jemal attended an RTA Metra board meeting.

Discussed mobility management program.  Consolidate mobility management
access into one sector into the RTA

Travel training program 

People learn how to use fixed route service

Previously, it was attached to the paratransit program.  it is no longer
attached to paratransit.  Get training through RTA

Lighthouse is ceasing to participate in the RTA travel training program.  

Steve Hastalis talked about the Metra Website.

Station construction updates.  Updates to some of their programs

Improve accessibility of the web site.

Hopefully this will be rectified soon.

Hastalis - access board people came they were surprised about the speech
systems in downtown terminals.  Track and train departures.  Talking train
departures.  Chicago is the only city that is doing this.  Even Amtrak.
Some were not happy about this.

Margaret - CTA Bus audio system is not working and not announcing the stops.
Tell driver to ask if he/she will announce number.  Get the coach number and
phone it into CTA 8 8 8-YOUR-CTA (888-968-7282.)  and tell them the audio is
out.  Pace users call 8 4 7 3 6 4 P A C E (847-364-7223).  Then follow the
prompts to get to their customer service line.  CTA customer service is 7
a.m. To 7 p.m Monday thru Friday.


Melisa Fuller stated (CTA and RTA drivers) identify as a legally blind do
they have to call your stop.  They have to call out all of the stops.
Hastalis says driver is supposed to be diligent about calling the stops.
Driver according to CTA rules is supposed to offer assistance.  You ask for
assistance then you can get accommodated.  Transfer points and stops on

Melisa had a small issue.  Her stop is not called.  The driver did not want
to call her stop.  She almost missed her stop.  How to handle this on PACE.
This happened during the last two or three month.  The bus route and the
coach number.  The 606 route.  File a concern with PACE.  Tell them the
route number and the coach number and dates and times are important.  It is
a requirement with PACE.  


The Meeting was adjourned at 3:27 p.m. 


Respectfully Submitted,


Robert Hansen Secretary





David Meyer, NFB of Illinois

Coordinator and Channel Administrator, NFB-NewsLine

Chicago Chapter President


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