[Iabs-talk] FW: Chapter 6

David Meyer datemeyer at sbcglobal.net
Sun Sep 14 04:50:31 UTC 2014

The following information was sent to me by James Allen of the Board of
Elections of Chicago.


From: James P. Allen [mailto:allenwrites at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:58 AM
To: David Meyer
Cc: Audra Lewicki; Laura Grimm
Subject: Chapter 6


Hi David,


Per your request yesterday, I am following up with links.


This link contains Chapter 5
<http://www.chicagoelections.com/dm/general/document_553.pdf> , which
includes instructions on setting up the entire polling place, including all
of the voting equipment.


The instructions on activating an audio card will be on pages 51-52 in this
link to Chapter 6
<http://www.chicagoelections.com/dm/general/document_554.pdf>  of the new
Judge of Election Handbook.  The instructions on activating an audio card
are not currently on pages 51-52, but in the new book and the uploads to the
web site that will be coming soon, I'm told those instructions will be on
pages 51-52.


Thanks and regards,



James P. Allen - Communications Director
Chicago Board of Election Commissioners <http://www.chicagoelections.com/> 
69 West Washington Street, Suite 800
Chicago, Illinois 60602-3142
312.269.7857 / fax 312.269.1984 



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