[Iabs-talk] support the sox and Chicago

David Meyer datemeyer at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 5 00:36:27 UTC 2015

Hello Everyone,


As baseball fans and as caring individuals who love the sports teams who
entertain us, you will want to support the Chicago White Sox while at the
same time, supporting the Chicago Chapter of the National Federation of the
Blind of Illinois.  So when, might you ask, can you support both the Sox and
the chapter at the same time?  By attending the game against the New York
Yankees on August 1.  If you attend this game, you will also enjoy the added
bonus of a fireworks show immediately afterward.  The cost for all of this
is just $30 per ticket.  So come one and all and join the party at US
Cellular Field on August 1.


When placing your orders, please call or email David Meyer.  He can be
reached by phone at 708-606-7091 or via email at datemeyer at sbcglobal.net.
Orders must be in by May 9.


Remember, as Harry Carray loudly proclaimed from both sides of town, "you
can't beat fun at the old ballpark."  You won't want to miss this one.  


David Meyer, NFB of Illinois

Coordinator and Channel Administrator, NFB-NewsLine

Chicago Chapter President


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