[Iabs-talk] President Riccabono on FS Cast

Denise Avant davant1958 at gmail.com
Fri May 29 12:44:59 UTC 2015

Hello all,
President Riccobono was on this month’s podcast of FS Cast, which is Freedom Scientific’s monthly podcast. To listen, you can go to www.freedomscientific.com <http://www.freedomscientific.com/> or search in your favorite podcaster, like itunes for fs cast.
It is quite a lengthy interview and you will find that the convention shchedule should be released in a few days and there will be an intriguing JAWS special for people wishing to upgrade JAWS or buy a new copy.

Denise R. Avant
President, National Federation Of The Blind Of Illinois
Live the life you want

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