[Iabs-talk] March IABS Meeting Agenda

Emma J. Meyer meyeremma13 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 22:55:07 UTC 2017

Hey everyone,
Attached and in the body of this email at the end of this message 
is the agenda for the March IABS meeting.  It is on Sunday March 
12 at 7pm.  The call in number is 641-715-3273 and the code 4227 
IABS.  I look forward to speaking with you all soon,

?03/12/17 IABS Agenda

1: Call to Order
2: Introductions
3: State Report
4: Mentoring Committee Update
5: Fundraising Update
6: Spring Semin
A: Friday Night Dinner and plans
B: Seminar Logistics
7: Old Business
8: New Business
9: Next Meeting
10: Adjourn
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